
Picture of SCP-364.

Item #: SCP-364

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-364 is to be kept in a standard containment locker, equipped with one (1) video capture card and one (1) video storage medium. SCP-364 is to be monitored remotely at all times via the use of Foundation surveillance drones. In the event that SCP-364's location or activities are detected, no fewer than twelve (12) Foundation operatives are to be dispatched immediately to investigate the location of SCP-364.

Description: SCP-364 is a standard Ockham razor toothed comb, measuring approximately 8.5 cm in length with a 1.1 cm wide head. SCP-364's appearance is that of any other standard Ockham razor toothed comb, except its steel teeth are uniformly engraved with ‘QUOTE' in capital print, 10 mm tall and spaced 15 mm apart. When held in the hand and shifted to one corner of the comb head, it is found that the inscription reads perfectly legible upside-down. Upon holding SCP-364 inverted, it appears normal to the naked eye; however, when the blade is turned around and viewed from above, the inscription "QUOTE" can be seen perfectly.

When not being used or otherwise under observation, SCP-364 behaves identically to any other Ockham razor toothed comb. SCP-364 was discovered with SCP-364-1 attached to it by Agents G█████ and Y█████. SCP-364 was recovered from a small shop in ████████ during routine Foundation surveillance duties following an encounter with Agent Y█████ who had reported experiencing the unusual effects after receiving a shave from an unassuming barber.

SCP-364-1 is a small piece of paper affixed to the underside of SCP-364's handle. The paper measures 0.8 cm x 0.7 cm and contains two short sentences written in black marker pen:

“This is my first nail file. I will never get better than this.

Add me to the list of people who had the chance to be great and were not.”

When SCP-364 is held with the blade facing upward, and at least one of SCP-364-1\'s sentences is read aloud, all instances of SCP-364-1 will vanish from the paper and manifest in SCP-364\'s handle. If SCP-364-1 remains unread and unturned for three (3) minutes or longer, it will vanish and reappear in SCP-364\'s handle; however, if SCP-364 is turned upside down within this time frame, it will not disappear, instead remaining on the paper. If the paper is torn or folded in such a way that it cannot be viewed by touching the blade, the sentence "I don\'t have time to think about this right now." will appear on the paper.