
Picture of SCP-367.

Item #: SCP-367

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All PoI reports coming from the area surrounding SCP-367 are to be monitored for any activity within the surrounding area.

All civilians detected within this area are to be detained and questioned. Any UNN members found on site are to be detained, interrogated and administered Class-B amnestics.

Description: SCP-367 refers to a solar system containing an unidentified red giant star located in the center position of a REDUCE/DENSIFY sphere. Scanning from space has shown that the area around SCP-367 is composed of negative matter. Mind altering properties also exist, manifesting in the form of hallucinations and apparitions present on site, provoking from onlookers different levels of assistance.

SCP-367 consists of two distinct phenomena:

A. ██POI: A small, non-spherical area consisting of metallic debris and dust located near SCP-367's atmosphere (the one specific to it being comprised of aluminum). Within this area, there appears to be an instance of SCP-367's "aura" or "numinous presence". This aura is capable of causing confusional states and hallucinatory visions in humans who pass through it. When 12 individuals are present in this area they are able to interact with SCP-367's numinous presence. The numinous presence will manifest as a massive entity capable of taking humanoid form at the request of its subjects.

B. PoI Eye: An orbital habitat developed by NASA at Area 19 primarily designed to provide shelter for astronauts while they are away from their homes. As well as providing safety from radiation and meteoroids, astronauts are also given psychological support from trained psychologists during their missions in order to deal with the strain placed on them by being away from their family for extended periods. PoI Eye further serves as a waypoint between Earth and SCP-367, allowing technicians to monitor any farther effects caused by the aura effect in A.

Attempts to isolate and study the anomalous effects of SCP-367's aura have been unsuccessful due to the nature of the event itself: Subjects experiencing the effects are either unaware that it is occurring or too unhinged to coöperate fully with researchers attempting to observe it. Therefore it was theorized that these events were related to SCP-367 directly instead of indirectly, so containment efforts began to focus there.

Addendum 367-1:


Dr. ████: "All right, it looks like we\'ve got a full house today. We\'re ready to analyze the PoI Eye\'s logs from our last trip to SCP-367."

Dr. █████: "Alright, let\'s see if we can\'t find anything out of the ordinary."

Dr. █████: "Alright, here we go. The last entry was dated July 20th, ████. Everything looks normal, no anomalous activity detected."

Dr. █████: "Oh wait, here we go. A report of some sort made by one of the astronauts on the mission yesterday."

Dr. █████: "Jeez, that\'s not good. The doctor on duty said they were all fine when they returned to PoI Eye yesterday evening. What do you make of this?"

Dr. █████: "This couldn\'t be an effect from SCP-367 then? Do you think something happened on the mission?"

Dr. █████: "Okay, let\'s get the log up onto the screen."

Dr. █████: "Weird shit…"

Dr. █████: "Holy fuck…"

Dr. █████: "This is unbelievable…"

Dr. █████: "What the hell is going on here?"

Dr. █████: "I haven\'t seen anything like this in my career…"

Dr. █████: "Is this for real?"

Dr. █████: "What\'s happening?"

Dr. █████: "It sounds like-"

Later in the day, an article appeared in the UNN newspaper regarding the events at PoI Eye and Dr. █████\'s statement concerning their current expedition to SCP-367.