Picture of SCP-382.
Item #: SCP-382
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-382 is stored in a Class 2 Safe at Site-77. The method of its creation is to be kept strictly confidential and any inquisitive researchers have been given disinformation.
Foundation agents embedded in the scientific community have been dispatched to verify the findings of Gulliver, Curl, and Popper, and report on any further anomalies. In case of discrepancy, additional research teams are to be sent to most popular biology, climate science, and physics textbooks for the specified year to disprove any negative results.
After the death of Dr. Gulliver, SCP-382 is not to be handled without his written permission. In addition, Dr. Gulliver's son has been assigned to observe SCP-382 from a safe distance until he reaches adulthood.
Description: SCP-382 is a sealed glass tube containing approximately 30mL. The object appears to be made from quartz, and shows no visible signs of aging.
Should an individual gain access to the outside world for more than several minutes, their brain will undergo physical changes due to exposure to electromagnetic fields. Personality traits are affected firstly via cognitive dissonance, with the more bizarre elements being the most problematic. These changes resemble clinical symptoms associated with schizophrenia. After three months at the maximum dosage, subjects will lose voluntary control over bodily functions (including speech) and revert to a primitive state of incoherent mumbling and walking in circles whilst uttering strings of meaningless phrases like "the game freezes" or "it's wrong". Subjects that survive until this stage are considered candidates for SCP-382's testing, and can be terminated without danger of further anomalous reactions.
Addendum: Over the course of the experiment, subjects may perform certain actions in their primitive state. These include:
The game freezes.
I'm not a thing.
I am a thing.
I'm broken.
I can't get out.
I'm hungry.
Help me.