Picture of SCP-384.
Item #: SCP-384
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Extensive Foundation monitoring of the site of SCP-384's disappearance must be maintained, as well as its current location. The site is to be guarded by the regular rotation of between two and four Foundation agents on 24 hour shifts.
No person or group may gain access to SCP-384's location without direct authorization from one of the Site Directors. Any person entering into close proximity of an instance of SCP-384 must immediately be dealt with by authorized research personnel and then disposed of by incineration. If this fails, amnestic treatment may be given, depending upon the severity of exposure.
Description: SCP-384 is a cube of unknown composition and origin, and measures 1m x 1m x 1m in dimensions. Instances of SCP-384 are mobile and have the ability to propel themselves in any direction through water at speeds up to 1000km/h. As of 20██, no means of discerning the purpose or method of movement by SCP-384 instances has been determined.
Should an individual come into contact with an instance of SCP-384, they will be transported to a location within approximately 30 seconds. The distance traveled will vary based upon factors such as distance traveled, amount of water displaced, temperature, etc. In addition, this will occur without respite for an entire 24 hours within 72 hours after first contact.
The only locations which SCP-384 does not transport a subject to are those inhabited by humans. At this time it is unknown why these dwellings have prevented SCP-384 from moving within them. It is currently theorized that SCP-384 may be responsible for transporting a human being to another world and/or time period if they were transported too close to a human residence. Due to this reason, Foundation personnel are advised to wear waterproof clothing when performing outdoor tasks in order to avoid getting close enough to individual instances of SCP-384.
Addendum 384.1: On 20██, a Foundation research vessel was transporting personnel to SCP-384, which had been in the vicinity of ████████ for several months, when an instance of SCP-384 took control of the vessel, causing it to crash to the ocean floor. The personnel aboard were able to escape the ship before being transported to an area outside of the current known range of SCP-384. A small firefight ensued between the personnel and the living instances of SCP-384. After a period of time, when all Foundation members were inside the ship, it was destroyed by its own power systems, incinerating all remaining instances and personnel. After this event, the Foundation was able to recover a small amount of blood from the wreckage, which was tested and found to be human blood.
The blood was also determined to be similar to blood found in ancient Egyptian tombs dating as far back as 2700 BC.