Picture of SCP-386.
Item #: SCP-386
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-386 is to be kept locked in a reinforced storage locker at Site-73. Access to the object itself is restricted to personnel with level 3/386 clearance or higher. Personnel who require access but do not have this clearance are to be administered amnestic and re-trained as required.
Prior to use, SCP-386 may only be removed from the lockbox for the purposes of inspection or repair. When not in use, SCP-386 must be locked away in a steel cabinet equipped with a keypad lock mechanism located in a secure facility.
Description: SCP-386 is a portable hard-bound book (7.5 cm x 10 cm, 62 pages) with a leather binding dating from the late 1960s. The text within tome is written in black ink and consists of English language passages interspersed with Latin and German words. The pages are numbered 1 through 62, but it is unknown what the numbering scheme relates to.
The cover and back cover of SCP-386 match those of a copy of "The Fellowship of the Ring" by J. R. R. Tolkien, while the front cover exhibits a drawing resembling an illustration from the novel's frontispiece.
The pages are blank whenever SCP-386 is not in use, with no presence of white or colored paper, pencil lead, or other markers whatsoever having been discovered. When SCP-386 is opened and used for writing, however, there will be text appearing on the pages that corresponds to that which has been written there. The text will also appear alongside other words inside the book provided that the writing implements used do not have any previously marked page(s).
In addition to this ability working for English-language texts, SCP-386 can produce Latin and German text as well. It should be noted that all produced text appears on pages 26 through 62 and is thus inaccessible without use of SCP-386's anomalous properties.
When SCP-386 is closed and locked away as described above, english writing cannot be seen or read on any page within until after it has been opened again and opened to specific positions on its pages; see Addendum 386A for further details regarding this anomaly.
Addendum 386A: SCP-386 was recovered from a storage locker located in a large library in the town of █████, Germany. The facility had not been used for some time and was found to have fallen into disrepair. The interior had been ransacked, with books and other items strewn about. When a Foundation agent entered the facility and attempted to remove the object from the storage locker, a number of pages detached from the book and floated towards him. No further movement was noted and the pages were collected as evidence.