
Picture of SCP-391.

Item #: SCP-391

Object Class: Euclid/K

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-391 is to be kept in standard containment locker 4 at Site-19. Access to the containment locker is permitted only under the supervision of Dr. Wallace, who may at any time request that access be rescinded.

Personnel assigned to SCP-391 are to wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Testing involving SCP-391 involves the subject wearing a suit of PPE to protect against heat, cold, and cinders. Any suit of PPE which does not provide protection from SCP-391 must be discarded after its first use with SCP-391.

Written documentation concerning exposure of more than 1 second to SCP-391 is to be archived in Level 3 secure storage. Written documentation of less than 1 second exposure should be discarded immediately.

Description: SCP-391 is a humanoid entity approximately 9m tall, weighing between 750 and 1000kg. SCP-391 features a head composed of solid iron, with no openings except for the eyes, nostrils, and mouth. The iron surface of the head appears to be corroded at all times, and remains so even after SCP-391's death. The face of SCP-391 is red in coloration.

SCP-391 speaks English well enough to communicate effectively with humans, though it seldom leaves its iron prison. In addition to speaking English, SCP-391 is also fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. All subjects reported as having spoken with SCP-391 during testing are able to describe its face in detail; other subjects have often described it as looking "angry" or "mischievous." It has been confirmed that the face generates some kind of anomalous heat, which seems to cause a state of discomfort to humans who do not cover their faces from its gaze.

The nature of SCP-391's anomalous property was revealed following exposure by Agent Peterson, who sustained 1 second of exposure before being brought to medical attention. Following treatment, Agent Peterson was informed by Dr. Wallace that her vision was unrecoverable due to corrosion in her optic nerves from exposure to SCP-391's heat. Despite this, Agent Peterson has been fully recovered and returned to active duty with no lasting side effects from exposure to SCP-391.

Addendum 1: As of 4/21/2009, SCP-391 is no longer contained at Site-19. Following an altercation between Drs. Wallace and Sekanina, the latter of which was not authorized to work with SCP-391, SCP-391 was transported by helicopter to a classified location on the grounds of Site-19. Following this, Dr. Wallace has been reassigned to another facility pending review by the O Council.