Picture of SCP-393.
Item #: SCP-393
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-393 is kept at Site 21 in a standard containment locker. The object is to be kept under a minimum of 50 liters of water at all times, with the possibility for increasing the volume of water if necessary. Any persons having knowledge of SCP-393's true nature are to be prevented from disclosing this information and their life terminated immediately.
Description: SCP-393 is a threadbare photograph depicting a duck wearing a sailor hat that has been scorched by some form of heat source. The image is illegible due to the image having been damaged in a not yet understood way.
When exposed to water, SCP-393 will cause all water within around 100 meters of it to accelerate towards an infinite point. At this point, water will cease to be a medium through which any other object may travel and become composed entirely of water that appears as nothing more than a black liquid sphere. The radius of this sphere is approximately 3 meters at its outer edge, but can expand rapidly at the expense of the density of its content. Any living organism that enters this sphere will be subjected to no less than 20 seconds of complete submersion in the sphere's content, with continued immersion resulting in death via drowning.
The effects of SCP-393 are permanent, with no known way of reversing them short of destroying the object in question. There have been occasional reports of subjects surviving the event normally, but these reports are extremely rare for reasons unknown.
Addendum: SCP-393 was initially discovered when a Foundation agent was sent to investigate a report of a missing person. Upon arriving at the location, the agent found no signs of any person having been there, but was met with an unusual environment. The area was filled with a black liquid that had no smell or taste, and the liquid appeared to be completely smooth and uniform. When the agent attempted to leave, he found himself being pulled into the sphere of water that extended outwards from the picture, and was forced to stay when he was unable to climb back out.
The agent was able to escape after some time by forcing himself through the sphere's surface at a rapid pace, causing it to break up along the way. He was then heard screaming for help as he attempted to escape from the water, which he eventually did after several minutes. The water in the area has since been drained for investigation.