Picture of SCP-394.
Item #: SCP-394
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: The entrance to SCP-394 is to be sealed and guarded at all times. All persons found within the facility are to be placed into restraints, photographed and interrogated. The interrogation is to be conducted through the use of Foundation personnel posing as the Head Master and Special Instructor of a self-defence school. Any students found to have entered SCP-394 while restrained in this manner are to be escorted to Safety Containment Zone-10 and treated as high-risk security risk candidates.
Upon exiting SCP-394, members of the press and media are to be detained on sight until cleared by Mobile Task Force Psi-4 ("Truth Seekers") for transfer to nearby Omicron 4 ("Xenu's Hideout") for questioning.
The number of Foundation personnel currently stationed at SCP-394 is currently one (1) Level 4 personnel per two (2) Level 3 personnel, with each additional Level 5 personnel serving as a backup support team. Personnel assigned to SCP-394 must undergo a full psychological evaluation upon arriving at the facility.
Description: SCP-394 is a training facility located at ██████, Tennessee. It is currently known to contain approximately ███ students of all ages. The exterior of the building appears completely normal, with the only difference coming from the fact that all doors and windows appear to be made out of wood.
If a person enters SCP-394 without being escorted by Foundation personnel and remains within it for more than two hours, a portion of their brain tissue will begin to break down. This process will continue until the subject, who has been given the name "Ron", is left with a warped version of their own brain tissue.
After twenty-four (24) hours, Ron's new anatomy will reshape itself along the lines of a human body and begin to use its newfound host's genes in order to rebuild themselves into humanoid form. At thirty days, Ronald becomes capable of moving on his own and expressing emotions as if he was still alive. At sixty days, Ronald can speak normally and recognizes basic human social interactions such as greeting someone when they arrive at the SCP-394 premises. Ronald possesses no knowledge or comprehension of what transpired inside SCP-394 prior to his emergence (see addendum).
Ronald begins using Foundation equipment and information in an attempt to track down a young woman, named Diana Kornfield II., who is believed to have been terminated at their current location due to their child's genetic deformity. Although this information is incorrect (see addendum), these efforts remain necessary due to Ron's unquenchable need for revenge.
Addendum: Ron was originally brought to Foundation attention by the parents of a deceased child, named Diana Kornfield II., who resided in ████, ███. The child had a severe genetic abnormality that caused her to have extreme deformities in her body and was scheduled for termination due to her association with SCP-394. The parents, concerned about the child\'s welfare, traveled to the facility to retrieve her body for cremation at their own expense. Upon arrival at the facility, they were confronted by a staff member outside of SCP-394 who attempted to prevent them from entering. After the parents attempted to reason with the staff member, he suddenly vanished without a trace. The parents entered SCP-394 which contained no staff members and attempted to retrieve their child\'s remains.
Upon exiting SCP-394, they discovered their child\'s body being reconstructed by a large humanoid entity that had been disguised as a wooden statue of a Japanese man. This entity proceeded to attack the parents and left them severely injured. The entity, now identifying itself as "Ronald" began attacking the parents using bladed weaponry such as a katana and nunchaku, forcing them to seek shelter in an abandoned office building nearby.
After obtaining cover from nearby gunfire from local law enforcement personnel, the parents attempted to escape on foot but were soon forced back into SCP-394. Ronald began assaulting them again and eventually managed to knock one of the parents unconscious. Upon regaining consciousness, they were able to arm themselves with weapons once more and fend off Ronald long enough for him to impale himself on the weapon of one of their weapons. This caused his brain matter to begin disintegrating into ashes which then began to reform in Diana Kornfield II.\'s form as Ron became free of his bonds.