
Picture of SCP-40.

Item #: SCP-40

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-40 is kept in a dedicated Safe SCP object locker at Site-77. SCP-40's anomalous properties are to be monitored remotely via webcam and/or audio contact. The film inside of SCP-40 is not to be removed under any circumstances (even for testing), as failure to do so will result in the anomalous properties of the film itself assuming control over the anomaly. Only an individual with Level 3 clearance or higher is permitted to view the film from outside of the camera's range, and even then only with Level 4 clearance or higher.

Description: SCP-40 is a 35mm color film, found to date back to the 1930s. The film is printed on both sides with the same imagery, depicting a woman wearing a blue dress. The woman's face is always obscured by her hair or hands. The film shows no image of any kind except for the woman in blue, with no discernible images of time or place.

Once viewed, the viewer is subject to an immediate and involuntary reaction towards the woman in blue. However, the viewer should remain aware that their reaction is not shared with other observers, due to viewing the film once viewing it cannot result in more than one viewer having the same reaction. Subjects react with palpitation of heart chambers and experience feelings such as love, sexual arousal, jealousy, and similar emotions up until such a time as they have had the opportunity to see all 88 frames of the film. Affected viewers report that they feel pressured to view the entire film at once and will type or write out their observations afterwards afterwards.

Once an audience has seen all 88 frames of SCP-40, they are able to realize that there are 8 strings wrapped around the protagonist's neck in slightly different places, causing their growth of nails to scrape against their necks in various places regardless of what they do. Once this occurs, all subjects disappear from SCP-40's range (the computer screen) and reappear upon leaving this range, typically within 10 minutes of going into the "out" side of SCP-40's field of view. Upon entering again at any other time from now on, subjects will invariably attempt to leave SCP-40's range before it disappears; if permitted by security officers after initial identification, subjects who persist in attempting this will also be unable to escape SCP-40's field of view for approximately 12 hours after leaving it themselves and will require tranquilization for treatment.

It should be noted that any members belonging to O Research Team-4 who have made it through SCP-40's space time barrier show little familiarity with its contents besides those instances where they have had training with SCP-40 itself; none have shown any reaction when watching it repeatedly, or even realized they were sharing information they hadn't yet learned themselves (such as how most humans can identify disparate scenes by seeing them during sleep). This suggests that many aspects of SCP-40 require further study as possible Foundation meme groups as well as possible independent anomalies.

Addendum: As of ██/██/███, all 88 frames of the film had been viewed. The following list has been provided by Dr. ██████, the current head of O Research Team-4.

(Note: This list is given in chronological order; that is, they are ordered based on what was seen in each frame of the film.)

01) A young man and a young woman enter a room together, with the woman holding a tray full of what appear to be sandwiches. The man (who is wearing a hat) sits down, and puts his hand beneath the tray on the other side of the table, presumably for her to place them on his plate. The man then puts his hands upon the woman\'s shoulders, and she sits down, presumably next to him. The woman takes the food from the tray, and places it on the man\'s plate. When she turns back away from the camera, she is missing her left arm.

02) A man and a woman stand before a door which has no handle or knob. The man knocks on the door with his fist, repeatedly. The door opens slightly, and the man takes a step forward before he is crushed between the door and the floor; both are now covered in blood.

03) A woman is shown sitting on a bed in a room filled with plants; she appears to be humming a tune while she works at a desk next to her bed. She then crosses her legs as she hums again and begins to daydream, smiling when she looks back to her work at her desk. As she returns her attention back to work, she loses both of her arms as well as her right leg, leaving only her torso and head visible.

04) A man (wearing glasses) sits at a table next to an opened book on top of a small table. The man then scratches at his neck while looking at the book through his glasses. His hands leave bloody prints upon his neck as he makes eye contact with something behind him in the doorway. He then appears to be crushed between the book and wall behind him; broken glass covers everything else.

05) A young woman (wearing blue clothing) stands among multiple men standing around her; she is looking over their shoulders at something she holds in her hand. She drops this object when one of the men turns around suddenly, apparently having just noticed her presence. The object falls between two men standing next to each other before catching on fire and burning their clothes off; it is not seen again after this point in time.

06) A man walks into a room with several other men sitting about; he drops his purse which appears to contain nothing besides paper money and coins before looking around for something or somebody specific. He then turns from his friends, facing towards one of them who appears to have dropped his glasses onto the ground; he picks up each pair of glasses individually before placing them back on each individual\'s face with his bare hands before turning back towards his friends. One of his friends begins to scream loudly until he collapses onto the ground; upon doing so, he is completely silent and has become completely translucent. This occurs for every participant in this scene so far aside from one man who was visible throughout all of these events.

07) A young woman (wearing blue clothing) walks into a room while holding an open box with an item wrapped inside of it; a small scroll falls out of the box as she walks by it. The item itself remains unknown but it is heavily implied that it was originally intended for SCP-████ but was never handed over due to SCP-████\'s anomalous properties interfering during its transport through time (and presumably space).

08) A young couple stands in front of a wall made entirely of what appear to be glass cubes; they are kissing each other passionately and start talking about going "further" beyond this wall (presumably into another dimension or reality). The couple disappears as soon as they reach this final barrier; all traces of them have also disappeared (including any fingerprints upon this glass wall).

09) A woman stands in front of a white door which has no handle or knob on it (nor does it appear to have any visible hinges). She slowly reaches up and pulls down several locks that cover this door\'s handles and knobs with her fingers before turning around quickly towards the camera (as if checking if anyone was watching). After confirming that this door is secure, she opens it quickly before screaming wildly before collapsing onto the floor; blood oozes out from all possible openings in her body.