
Picture of SCP-402.

Item #: SCP-402

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-402 is to be contained in a Containment Vault at Site-19. During testing, SCP-402 is to be restrained in an Iso-Perch harness and held on the subject's left hand. Under no circumstances is any object less than 4 cm tall to be brought into direct contact with SCP-402.

Unwanted subjects who accidentally come in contact with SCP-402 are to be sheltered until medical assistance arrives. Any human exposed to SCP-402 may not be regained without first being decontaminated and amnesticized.

Description: SCP-402 is a male yellow-green parrot (Amazonetta plumbea) weighing approximately 1.5 kg. SCP-402 is capable of vocalization in at least five languages, but primarily speaks English. Though initially believed to be a member of the genus Amazona, testing has shown that SCP-402 cannot speak in any species other than Amazona, possibly due to brain trauma sustained during its containment.

When in the presence of an individual who believes that it is "raining", SCP-402 will vocalize differently than it normally would, instead imitating the sound of raindrops striking surfaces (SCP-403). The severity and duration of this effect varies from test subject to test subject; subjects reporting different sensations from normal rain include:

Contact with SCP-402 or any object bearing its likeness, regardless of size, will result in the affected subject developing severe anxiety, accompanied by severe physical ailments such as:

SCP-402's containment chamber bears a plaque bearing the text "The One Who Knows" with an image of SCP-402 beneath it, along with several other plaques bearing various phrases and images relating to anomalous entities and religions.

Addendum: SCP-402\'s anomalous properties were first discovered during a containment breach at ██████ ████████, where SCP-402 was found after escaping from its cage. Witnesses described the area around SCP-402 as having become "shiny" and "glittering", and all witnesses recalled the sound of rain. After discovering SCP-402 in the containment chamber, security personnel reported having experienced an identical sensation to that experienced by the heads of the original witnesses.

Upon recovering SCP-402, several plaques bearing images and phrases relating to other anomalous entities were found attached to its cage. The following are the plaques found on SCP-402\'s cage: