Picture of SCP-403.
Item #: SCP-403
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-403 is contained in a 10 m x 20 m x 0.5 m containment cell. The walls are lined with metal sheeting, but the object itself is subject to the usual type 2 restraints. A camera is mounted above the object, connected via an upload wire.
The chamber is ventilated to remove humidity from the immediate area. Any tears or other damage to the metal flooring should be repaired immediately.
SCP-403's containment chamber is located on site 57 of Site-86 and is to be supplied with electricity at all times. This requires Foundation personnel to enter the containment chamber at least 30 minutes before its usage.
Description: SCP-403 is an object composed of iron and steel. It weighs 1.1 Kg and is 2.5m in length, 0.8m in height, and 1m in width. When placed upon the floor, it forms a circle of approximately 5 cm thickness.
When this circle is "squeezed" by a human hand, the wall will be damaged. The exact cause of damage is unknown, but it appears to closely imitate the shape of the hand that pressed it.
SCP-403's destructive capabilities differ depending upon the type of creature touching it. The following table lists its levels of destructive power.
No variation in strength or damage has been observed across different types of creatures touching SCP-403 when in containment.
Addendum: SCP-403 is capable of emitting a sound similar to that of an engine starting up. Analysis of the sound indicates it to be a human voice speaking in Italian. It has been recorded to say the following phrases, in order:
"Niente, Non c\'è"
"Non sono sola"
"Non lasciarmi sepolto vivo."
"Sto bene, Ora stai fermo."