
Picture of SCP-415.

Item #: SCP-415

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-415 is to be kept in a standard Safe-class containment lockbox. Personnel are instructed not to attempt to open SCP-415 for any reason, as the effect is permanent and irreversible.

All recordings of SCP-415 with live audience members are to be confiscated and destroyed.

Description: SCP-415 is a small video game named "Stuck on Russia" manufactured in 1982 by Independent Computer Systems, Inc. It is a simple maze game based on a popular arcade game of the same name.

When SCP-415 is played in the physical space it was designed for, the characters present will become hopelessly lost and unable to find their way out of the labyrinth they find themselves in. However, regardless of how many times this maze is played, SCP-415's anomalous effect remains in effect; thus, any attempt to locate the exit will result in losing all sense of direction, even though there exists an unobstructed path leading away from the current maze.

SCP-415 does not display any effects if played in another room or location where it has no influence on events or people already present. If one attempts to create a copy of SCP-415 that can be played by other individuals, this copy will also result in lost subjects and continue to display the anomalous properties of its predecessor.

SCP-415 was created after Dr. Kirke read about a similar cube puzzle published by Baskin & Baskin featuring music composed by Alexei Tolstoy in 1976 titled "Singing Spoons". Tolstoy had previously written several television shows and movies with Soviet-era themes and was known for his prolific output. Dr. Kirke was interested enough in the topic to watch these programs himself, but found that they were difficult to watch due to the Communist Party's policies against home entertainment devices. However, while watching one of these shows he saw a promotional advertisement for SCP-415 and found it intriguing enough that he contacted ICSI after class to inquire about purchasing copies for herself and her students.

While attempting to purchase copies of SCP-415 from ICSI headquarters in Los Angeles, Dr. Kirke discovered they were also broadcasting live broadcasts from their headquarters during a live talk show featuring their employees talking about random topics such as knowledge on Brazilian jiujitsu or Canada's largest department store chain. One employee went as far as to state that "Baskin & Baskin have never actually employed anyone working on SCP-415" and that "All employees are fully prepared for us to shut down our manufacturing facilities at any time." After this incident, ICSI appears to have stopped pursuing production of SCP-415 entirely.

Addendum 415-1: After Dr. Kirke\'s death from ovarian cancer in 1985, her student, Dr. ████, took it upon herself to continue her research into SCP-415\'s creature effects and discovered the existence of a second SCP object in the same universe. SCP-415-2 was designated SCP-415-B after its discovery, and appears to be a similar game where the goal is to guide a ball through a series of mazes.

Dr. Kirke discovered that people that had played SCP-415 prior to her death could still play SCP-415-2 in a similar fashion as described for SCP-415, but when played by someone that had not previously experienced its anomalous properties, SCP-415-2 had no effect. Researchers were able to determine that although the two games shared similar graphical and audio assets, they were based on separate sets of source code and had different versions of events occurring in them.

Dr. Kirke continued her research into SCP-415\'s anomalous properties and was able to identify several other objects in their respective universes (SCP-415-B, SCP-415-C, SCP-415-D, etc.) and establish a method of activating each object\'s anomalous properties while leaving the others inactive. Dr. Kirke also discovered that the objects\' anomalous effects did not cause any permanent damage to their subjects when activated, which led her to believe that it was possible to completely remove an individual\'s ability to enter them by simply erasing all traces of their existence from their minds.

Dr. Kirky\'s research was never finished due to her premature death, but she did manage to discover the existence of several other characters within the "Stuck" universe, including a group of teenagers named [REDACTED] that would later become prominent figures in the containment community. Dr. Kirky suggested that these characters be intercepted by Foundation operatives during their respective journeys and made aware of their anomalous properties, a suggestion that has been acted upon since then.