
Picture of SCP-417.

Item #: SCP-417

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-417 is contained in a standard humanoid containment cell, which measures 25 m (100 ft) x 20 m (65 ft) at its largest dimension. A 5 m² (50 sq. ft.) fenced enclosure has been constructed around the subject's floor area, while the ceiling is composed of multiple layers of steel and glass.

To prevent SCP-417 from directly observing the objects within its enclosure, specialized equipment will be used to monitor when SCP-417 attempts to 'look down', as well as when it begins to actively search for new objects to interact with. This includes a specialized camera system that continuously takes photos of every object in SCP-417's containment area, a video camera system that continuously monitors the subject's movements, and an infrared camera that continually scans the ceiling for any potential objects that could be dropped from the ceiling by SCP-417. Should SCP-417 find any new potential objects in its enclosure, the guards will immediately cut off all communication between the subject and whatever object it was looking at.

In addition to these cameras, a small tape recorder has been installed in SCP-417's cell, with a limited number of tapes available to both guards and researchers. While originally classified as containing only audio recordings, testing has shown that these tapes 'mentally' contain an image of whatever object is being recorded on its surface. These images are stored on blank DVDs placed in small canisters that are periodically taken out of inventory for testing purposes. Despite a limited amount of available mediums for testing, no images have been recorded on other materials/media besides these blank DVDs. The full set of images stored on these DVDs currently totals over 500 unique images.

Foundation security has designated SCP-417 as "Mental Dummy", and has been primarily using this designation throughout this document.

Description: SCP-417 is a humanoid human anomaly with a body mass of 106 kg (250 lbs), a height of 178 cm (5' 10") and a head measuring 55 cm (22 in) x 35 cm (14 in) at its widest. It has been measured to have an IQ of 255, which is classified as "superhuman". The subject was originally discovered in ██████, Brazil, on December 9, 2009, when it was identified through surveillance video as one of the Brazilian rioters involved in the destruction of [DATA EXPUNGED].

While SCP-417 is capable of displaying several behaviors between these extremes, it usually remains dormant throughout most of its time in Foundation custody. When activated, it will attempt to display an irrational desire to cause destruction and/or suffering to all non-anomalous objects within its enclosure. When confronted by guards or other researchers, SCP-417 has shown the ability to quickly make use of objects within its enclosure for self protection. Guards are instructed to shoot first if possible, however should this become too challenging for the subject, then simply take cover or escape from the room that it's occupying. Should SCP-417 succeed in activating itself, any nearby personnel will be designated as "Exhibit", and tested as necessary to ensure their safety. During incidents involving testing subjects being activated without Foundation knowledge or control, only personnel within Site ██ are to be affected by SCP-417 while on duty.

When an object is used as a living mobile target by SCP-417, it will either ignore empty spaces within its enclosure, or choose one object at random and attempt to physically destroy it. Many reports claim that SCP-317's actions appear insane due to the fact that almost all objects within its enclosure are non-anomalous at best. When asked why they have attacked a specific object over another, SCP-317 has been known to respond with seemingly nonsensical statements and occasionally shrieks. For example:

SCP-317 also claims that he hates humans due to their unwillingness to understand his mentality as well as their inability to see past what he refers to as 'the burden of our existence'.

After destroying an object for approximately 15 minutes or more and prior to being deactivated, SCP-317 will experience severe pain in his body areas corresponding with the area he destroyed. As such, guards are instructed to remove any damaged portions from his body immediately once deactivation occurs and report said damage via radio channels.

It is currently unknown how long SCP-317 can retain this mental state before dying from dehydration or exhaustion. However since activation has proved nearly impossible for researchers since containment has begun; there's little reason for containment procedures to change significantly until we learn more about what causes this phenomenon.

Addendum: SCP-417 was originally originally contained in a standard humanoid containment cell with a floor space of 25\xa0m (100\xa0ft) x 20\xa0cm (8\xa0in). The subject was initially contained in a cage designed to prevent it from moving more than 10\xa0cm (4 in) above the floor. A large fenced enclosure measuring 5\xa0m² (50\xa0sq. ft.) has been constructed around the subject's floor area, while the ceiling has been reinforced with steel and glass. In addition to these measures, guards have been instructed to shoot first if possible, however should this become too challenging for the subject, then simply take cover or escape from the room that it's occupying.

Containment procedures for SCP-317 have changed little since its initial containment in 2010. However, after numerous incidents where SCP-317 was able to activate itself and cause damage on its containment area, a secondary containment area has been constructed around SCP-417's current containment area. This new containment area is similar in design to a standard humanoid containment cell, but contains a much larger floor space of 45\xa0m (150\xa0ft) x 30\xa0m (100\xa0ft) at its largest dimension. An additional 32 cameras have been installed throughout the new containment area to ensure that SCP-317 cannot activate itself and cause further damage, as well as to assist researchers in finding new objects that SCP-317 will find interesting to interact with.

As of ██/██/2011, SCP-317 is currently contained in an enclosure measuring 45\xa0m² (450 sq ft) and is surrounded by multiple layers of steel and glass. A surveillance camera system has been installed within the new containment area, while an infrared camera system has been placed on the ceiling, monitoring for any objects that might be dropped from the ceiling by SCP-317 during his activity periods. During any time period when SCP-317 activates himself and causes damage to his containment area or outside of it, a limited number of tapes have been made available to both guards and researchers so as to record what he is doing at the time.