
Picture of SCP-423.

Item #: SCP-423

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-423 is to be contained at Storage Site-██. Documentation of all data stored on SCP-423 and the computers involved with its serialization should indicate that it is and has been a U.S. Postal Service document, echoing various themes and expressions frequently used by the Foundation

The Foundation maintains a list of approved postal workers who may interact with SCP-423; these individuals are to be cleared by experimental psychologist Dr. ████████ (Foundation Identification: SCP-███) before being allowed to handle or view SCP-423. No one who has been clear for handling SCP-423 for more than fifteen minutes is permitted to enter its presence

Any personnel working on projects involving SCP-423 must submit a request for permission to work on said project at least seven days in advance, and permission must be granted

Description: SCP-423 is a package addressed to "John ██████, Jr., The Nation, New York, NY" with a return address of "P.O. Box ███, ██████████, ██████████".

SCP-423's anomalous properties activate upon being opened or handled by a human subject. When this occurs, the contained message will be displayed on the item's packaging as soon as it is opened or handled by that person; it will remain active even after the item is closed and returned to its original state.

SCP-423's contents are a series of letters written in a style commonly used for official documents issued by the United States Postal Service (USPS) in the 1960s and 1970s. These letters contain various criticisms towards the USPS and their products and services, as well as criticisms of various government agencies (including the Foundation) responsible for maintaining order.

The nature of SCP-423's anomalous property can be summarized as follows:

It should be noted that SCP-423 was originally discovered while its contents were being read aloud by a crowd of postal workers in ██████, California; security footage from this incident has been archived under Site-██'s database and an appropriate cover story has been created.

Addendum: SCP-423 is primarily used to test the effects of various containment procedures on highly anomalous items. A partial list of tests performed on it is as follows: