
Picture of SCP-432.

Item #: SCP-432

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-432 is currently contained in a 10m x 8m x 8m containment chamber at Site-77. It may be freely viewed any time during daylight hours from the observation chamber. SCP-432 will not respond to commands other than “aw yeah” during active observation, but shows no other signs of anomalous activity. Due to the large size of SCP-432, viewing the inside is not possible; attempts to view it from directly underneath have resulted in severe injury and/or death.

Description: SCP-432 is a large, living cave. It is underground, and has only been observed from one entry point (1) above ground. SCP-432 extends over approximately 1km in depth and is at least 50m above ground level. SCP-432 appears to be constructed of earth and rock, though its material properties are unknown. The interior of SCP-432 is believed to be inhabited by small humanoid figures (designated SCP-432-1).

SCP- 432's anomalous properties become active when it is entered by a human being. When this happens, the interior will cause the observer to experience a euphoric sense of contentedness with themselves and the world around them, accompanied by an intense feeling of satisfaction for any action except for those that cause harm or pain to another living being. These feelings are initially experienced as purely positive emotions and feelings, but can remain even after the euphoria ceases; these feelings are known as SCP-432's anomalous properties becoming active when it is entered by a human being.

If the individual continues to act in a manner contrary to SCP-432's teachings, then greater harm will result. For example: In one case, an individual who was adhering to all of SCP-432's teachings shot a dead animal (a rabbit) after observing SCP-432's display of “aw yeah” and continued this behavior several times before killing other animals. After this behavior was observed, attempts to rescue the rabbit resulted in severe damage to both the individual and their surrounding environment (see Incident 432.B).

When an act desired by the observer becomes possible or likely through direct or indirect actions taken by them or other people, SCP-432 begins feeding off their energy; this effect increases with each action that violates its teachings. The only way to stop this effect is to exit SCP-432's interior and hide within an area that can be viewed directly from inside whenever possible. This effect lasts until SCP- 432 returns to its inactive state.

Addendum: SCP-432 was discovered on █/█/20██ when a Foundation sponsored expedition into the ████████ region of ██████████, Turkey was ambushed by SCP-432-1. The expedition leader reported that he had entered SCP- 432 for the first time and became aware that the interior was inhabited by SCP-432-1, who had been observing the expedition from above ground for some time. After watching the entire expedition enter SCP-432, the SCP-432-1 disappeared and the interior reverted to its inactive state while the expedition leader died of multiple injuries sustained during his attempt to exit SCP-432 alive.

The next day, the Foundation sent an expedition team into the interior of SCP-432 with Class A amnestics, and were subsequently able to capture several SCP-432-1 specimens and neutralize the effect of SCP-432 until they could be contained separately. After approximately ██ hours of observation and experimentation, the effect of SCP-432 had ceased entirely. The interior of SCP-432 was found to contain several small humanoids with two large flaps of flesh covering their heads, which were revealed to be their eyes. These creatures have been designated as SCP-432-1 due to their resemblance to individuals contained within SCP-432 at the time it was discovered. It is unknown if these creatures are derived from humans or another source.