
Picture of SCP-435.

Item #: SCP-435

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All reports of SCP-435 disappearances must be logged and forwarded to Site-77 immediately. All known abductees are to be kept in Site-77's humanoid containment wing and amnestics administered if necessary. Individual instances of SCP-435 appear to be autonomous and nonhostile when within Foundation facilities, but all instances of SCP-435 under Foundation control are to be monitored at all times by CCTV.

Description: SCP-435 is an anomalous phenomenon causing ██ men and women to disappear over a period of ██ years. Each instance of SCP-435 reports an abduction by a humanoid entity, with the reported entity being humanoid in appearance. Each instance has been discovered with its eyes closed, with no outward signs of injury. When found, the location of SCP-435-1 will be recorded in the missing person's journal.

The following list is a record of all known instances of SCP-435:

Addendum: SCP-435 was discovered after a series of disappearances occurred in ██████, ████████, in 1952. Foundation operatives were able to track the movements of the first victim, ██-███, to a small town in ███████, ███████. When SCP-435-1 was located, it was discovered that SCP-435-1\'s eyes were closed and that there was an identical instance sitting in the other chair. Upon questioning, the entity (which was later identified as SCP-435-2) was found to be a middle-aged human male dressed in a green military uniform with a matching cap.

When questioned, SCP-435-2 refused to respond to any questions except "What are you?" The entity remained silent during attempts at communication or retrieval of the missing persons, but did state that they were "fascinating". Due to the lack of documentation on SCP-435-1, no further information is currently known about it.