Picture of SCP-441.
Item #: SCP-441
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-441 is to be kept in a standard containment cell equipped with a cot, refrigerator, and incense. SCP-441 may be permitted to attend sessions at Containment Site-██, but it is forbidden to speak or interact with any personnel.
Description: SCP-441 is a humanoid composed of grass with two large horns protruding from its head. SCP-441's physiology is typical for its kind. It is able to move at speeds of up to 200 km/h and has expressed interest in cooperating with researchers in testing new transportation methods.
When not under the influence of hallucinogenic agents, SCP-441 expresses extreme hatred for humans, perceiving them as savages who have desecrated its rightful home by feeding it to cows.
Humans appear to be the only sentient beings that SCP-441 has deemed non-hostile; it will attack any other creature with little provocation. Evidence suggests that SCP-441 is capable of coherent speech and is able to form simple sentences. It will only speak when under the influence of hallucinogens or when spoken to by a human, however it has demonstrated an ability to understand basic spoken language in response to questions.
Addendum: SCP-441 was recovered in 2009 when a farmer noticed his cow licking the ground for several days in a row. The farmer brought the cow to a local veterinarian and reported the behavior, who contacted Foundation agents in ████.
The farmer was administered Class-B amnestics and the case was officially secured.