Picture of SCP-442.
Item #: SCP-442
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-442 is to be contained in a standard Safe object locker at Site-56. Access to SCP-442 requires Level 4 clearance or above, and all personnel entering the object locker must be wearing full body protection as defined in Standard Operating Procedure 1023. Any personnel who enter the object locker will be given 1 week of leave regardless of their level of experience with anomalous objects. Personnel attempting to enter the object locker without approval will be given 72 hours of field training in Standard Operating Procedure 3088.
Any and all personnel who have come into physical contact with SCP-442 are to be given amnestics and reassigned to duties between Facilities 54 and 73.
Description: SCP-442 is a metal box measuring 20 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm with a hinged lid. The metal used in SCP-442 is not of known composition and no records exist of it having been manufactured. The latch on the top of SCP-442 remains locked and requires pressure from both sides in order to open. A small key is present on the outside of the object; however, testing has shown that the key does not appear outside SCP-442 or within any documentation pertaining to its creation or use.
The object's primary anomalous effect manifests when an individual opens the hinged lid for the first time. Standing before SCP-442 will activate its anomaly; otherwise, the object may be placed on a desk or other flat surface. When opened, SCP-442 will create an interior environment identical to that of its own with no visible means by which this occurs; this effect continues indefinitely as long as there is sufficient air inside the interior environment to keep it going.
The interior environment created by SCP-442 consists of various recreational areas commonly found in rural areas such as private hunting grounds and local parks that have had no access to paved roads for at least 30 years. All terrain within these areas appears to be made up of natural materials such as grass, dirt, leaves, twigs and pine needles as well as some crudely carved wooden structures and decorative elements such as porch swings and wind chimes. All flora and fauna within these areas are classifiable as being either non-anomalous or class D if further testing is required, though SCP-442 creates each area without any knowledge of previous recordings for flora or fauna in each region recorded separately. Personnel entering an area created by SCP-442 report no physical discomfort and typical outdoor activities can be carried out in these areas without danger from predators such as humans since most animals can not enter an area created by SCP-442.
The primary anomalous effect generated by SCP-442 leads personnel who interact with it to believe that they are engaged in activities normally thought impossible for them (e.g., a spy being chased through a dense forest by members of Task Force X). The illusion generated by SCP-442 appears completely real to personnel involved; however, those who have had direct contact with objects related to their duties (e.g., firearms) will not experience this reality but instead believe they are fighting off enemy forces while carrying out their normal duties in this "game". Personnel who become involved in situations where they must make split second decisions regarding their actions have reported that they have had difficulty instantly making sound decisions which led them to avoid action throughout their careers but still managed to successfully complete their tasks.
Addendum: SCP-442 was first discovered on ██/██/19██ when a civilian contacted local law enforcement after finding a large box in an abandoned house. The box was taken by local authorities and stored in a Secure Object Locker until it was brought to Foundation custody on ██/██/19██. It took over two months for SCP-442 to manifest its primary anomalous effect, during which time SCP-442 exhibited no behavior that could be considered anomalous. After this date, SCP-442 will not activate if placed in an object locker or otherwise contained away from outdoor environments, rather it will continue to appear as a standard Safe object.