Picture of SCP-448.
Item #: SCP-448
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The SCP-448 site shall be thoroughly inspected for signs of active SCP-448 installations every six months. Any signs of this are to be reported to Site-██ immediately, and the necessary personnel are ordered to seal off the area and amnesticize any civilians who have stumbled upon the site. Any civilian interactions with the site are to be intercepted and monitored, and if possible their records altered.
Any meteorites observed that bear a similarity to SCP-448 are to be intercepted by Foundation assets within 24 hours and brought into Foundation custody. Replacement SCP-448 components are being constructed at Site-██ after a supply of new components was found in [REDACTED] in 20██. (See Addendum 448-1)
Description: SCP-448 is a naturally-occurring [REDACTED] comprising of an estimated [REDACTED] of [REDACTED] — or about five times the mass of the observable universe — bound in a complex network of microdiamonds that measure roughly 15 cm in diameter. This network is highly irregular, measuring anywhere from 3 to 9 km across and as short as 1 m in length. The composition of this network has been determined using diffraction patterns on observed microdiamonds and theoretical models at Site-██.
SCP-448 is anomalously resistant to the forces that form other stable dark matter objects: namely gravitational collapse. In fact, SCP-448 is known to be positively anti-gravity. This anomaly has only been observed under ideal conditions; under normal circumstances any attempt to move SCP-448 through a gravitational field would result in SCP-448's accelerated mass seemingly increasing indefinitely (see Addendum 448-2). Furthermore, dark energy tends to travel through the microdiamond network at approximately the same rate as light (see Addendum 448-3), making it difficult for researchers to detect SCP-448 when it is stationary or moving relatively slowly through space.
The primary means of directly observing SCP-448's anomalous properties is the use of large specialized telescopes, measuring 300m in diameter and constructed out of standard construction materials. Due to their size and limited maneuverability, such telescopes are currently being maintained by Foundation assets within SCP-448's containment site. With sufficient resolution, SCP-448 can be observed at any point within its observation range, which extends up to 54 light years (See Addendum 448-4) — approximately 25% of the distance between Earth and the nearest neighboring galaxy collectively known as the Virgo Supercluster.
Winter Fall Fayre 2014
For Dr.A[REDACTED]'s Least Favourite Horror Movie Day
Please Visit us at our Halloween Attraction 'Shallow Waters Of Tragedy'
We will also accept Pot Luck contributions please bring a dish to share with your fellow friends.
Addendum 448-1: In 20██, a meteorite of unknown origin was discovered to contain numerous SCP-448 components. These were identical to those discovered on ████'s 17██ lunar impact, and were identified by their anomalous mass and by their approximate location on the planet's surface. All SCP-448 components were gathered into one location, and after extensive examination the site was found to be [REDACTED] in shape and approximately 2,000\xa0km long.
The following is a list of known SCP-448 components: