
Picture of SCP-449.

Item #: SCP-449

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: All known fragments of SCP-448 are to be recovered, studied and any suspected instances of SCP-448-A identified and contained. Foundation assets are largely restricted to scientific research and public relations of the economic benefits of containment of SCP-448.

Full documentation of all active Foundation recovery teams is restricted to Clearance 4 or above. Recovery efforts should be staged in such a way as to minimize civilian casualties.

Description: SCP-448 is a large anomalous object, estimated to be approximately 60 km tall. The object appears to consist of a mass of amorphous material resembling tungsten carbide.

While SCP-448's structure and composition are not known, it is estimated to weight at least 1.2×10^30 tons.

SCP-448's primary effect is that it continually causes economic growth (hereafter referred to as SCP-448-A) in human society. In case of multiple instances of SCP-448 in the same location, the SCP will only affect one instance at a time; multiple instances in the same location may cause SCP-448 to become unstable.

The rate of growth produced by SCP-448 varies, but is generally between 3% and 12% annually depending on the region in which it resides. Anomalous effects have been observed with almost all world economies, including Iceland and Japan. However, production of SCP-448 tends to occur in areas with high population densities and a lack of natural resources. Currently, no regions are known to have an active SCP-448 anomaly, though several countries show signs of increased prosperity due to the presence of other active anomalies.

SCP-448 will remain stable until all fragments are safely contained or it ruptures. While containment efforts have been limited due to its massive size, no breaches are known to have occurred as of yet.

Addendum: SCP-342 was first discovered on ██/01/2001, when a Foundation agent was sent to investigate a possible anomaly near ███████. Upon reaching the object, he reported that he could see a route through it. A radio transmission to Mobile Task Force Epsilon-7 (Mobile Task Force Omicron-7) was attempted; however, the signal was blocked by an unknown factor.

The following objects were observed traversing SCP-342 between the dates noted in brackets: