Picture of SCP-460.
Item #: SCP-460
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-460 is kept in a standard Containment Locker at Site-05. Its location has not changed since its recovery in 1984. A large number of security cameras are adjacent to the locker, to monitor the object in case of an unauthorized opening. The area around SCP-460 should be considered an active and dangerous crime scene.
All personnel assigned to research work at Site-05 are to be thoroughly screened for SCP-460-related knowledge and signed off on as safe before being allowed access. Should SCP-460's emotional state change without prior warning, all unauthorized access must be denied until a period of at least three hours has passed.
Description: SCP-460 is a humanoid being of black coloration, 1.98 meters in height, and weighing 64.2 kilograms. The object displays no apparent motor or cognitive functions other as to appear as an ordinary human male. SCP-460 also appears to have an unusually high amount of nerve endings, with over twice the density of what would be expected for its size.
SCP-460 possesses several anomalous properties:
SCP-460's appearance changes with its emotional state. When calm, it displays a youthful appearance; upon heightened anger or fear, it will distort and become multi-colored, before returning to its original coloration upon deactivation.
Addendum 460-01:
On 11/06/1984, an incident occurred while SCP-460 was undergoing maintenance at the hands of three Foundation personnel. The object's emotional state began to change without prior warning, causing the three men to become startled. All three attempted to restrain SCP-460 and failed, with the object manifesting its full black coloration and breaking free of their grasp. It was then that the object began its anomalous behavior.
SCP-460 proceeded to charge down a hallway, not stopping for any personnel who attempted to stop it. Personnel continued to flee in fear throughout the building for over one hour; this lasted until it came upon an open door leading outside. SCP-460 was able to pass through it completely unharmed, despite the fact that it had been previously sealed shut.
Staff from Site-05 were kept in contact with SCP-460 during its escape, and were able to determine that it had entered the local police station, where several arrests were being made. The area was then cleared of all civilians and secured by Foundation staff.