Picture of SCP-462.
Item #: SCP-462
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-462 is currently being housed in a standard containment cell (2.3m x 2m x 1.5m) located within Site-77's anomalous objects wing. The room is to be kept at all times empty of anything not directly associated with the chamber's functions. Personnel are not permitted to enter SCP-462's containment cell unless testing it for safety.
Daily cleaning has been assigned to the rest of Site-77 and is to be performed by approved members of security and research staff. All cleaners must have been issued with a Level 4 Clearance before approaching SCP-462's containment cell.
Description: SCP-462 is a standard, unadorned white cell with an interior measuring 2.3m x 2m x 1.5m. The walls and ceiling of the cell are made from a non-anomalous material, however the floor is comprised of a fibrous material composed of human hair. SCP-462's interior temperature ranges between 38 °C to 44 °C and the humidity from 0% to 98%.
SCP-462 does not contain any unusual features and displays no anomalous properties when in isolation. However, once an individual begins interacting with SCP-462 in any manner, it will change its properties based on their actions.
Selecting or moving SCP-462's floor will cause the floor to fill with hair. Once filled, the hair will begin dissolving in a liquid state. At this point, SCP-462's floor will become slippery and hazardous to the subject's footing. Any contact with the floor will result in severe lacerations and bruising on those who step upon it. Further attempts made to move SCP-462's floor results in immediate ejection from the cell by unknown forces. The hair will remain within SCP-462 until either:
Any attempt to move or interact with SCP-462 accounts for [DATA EXPUNGED]. If a subject is removed from SCP-462, they will die immediately; as SCP-462 will continue to degrade at its current rate until nothing remains except for a pool of water.
Addendum: SCP-462 was discovered in the basement of an abandoned house in ██████, [REDACTED]. The Foundation was contacted after reports surfaced that a large number of people had been disappearing within a 10km radius of the location. Agents were deployed and found the basement completely devoid of any living organisms. Upon entering the basement, Agent ████████ (then-Agent ████████) noted that the floor was composed entirely of human hair and began to sink into it. Agent ████████ attempted to retreat from the floor but only later discovered that he could not remove his feet from it.
A Foundation team was deployed and began to search for any signs of life within the basement. Over █ hours, the search team came across a [DATA EXPUNGED] matching previous reports. Agent ████████ was found standing before SCP-462 and immediately assumed dead. SCP-462 was placed into Foundation custody after being confirmed safe.