Picture of SCP-464.
Item #: SCP-464
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the highly mobile nature of SCP-464, containment is non-anomalous and occurs through the efforts of individual Foundation agents stationed within each city targeted by SCP-464. These agents are to be partnered with one another and with local police forces to track SCP-464's movements. Agents in contact with SCP-464 are to document its actions and activities at a minimum of hourly intervals for purposes of psychological evaluation.
Description: SCP-464 is a solitary white male with no known relation to any current or former governmental agency. SCP-464 appears to have no special talents or skills, although it has displayed an extreme capacity for learning and memorization in the course of its activity. SCP-464 has engaged in no documented activity on its own initiative save the following occasions:
SCP-464 was initially assigned to Site-██ as a test subject in order to determine if it were cognizant of its anomalous properties. As such, we are not currently aware of its behavior prior to initial containment at the facility. The Foundation's subsequent agreement with SCP-464 regarding its containment allows us to keep tabs on its activities via a civilian news outlet named [REDACTED].
Initial Notes: During the first three days of containment, SCP-464 was observed to move only when directly approached. This behavior led the staff overseeing the test to believe that SCP-464 had no awareness of its anomalous properties until it became aware that its action were being monitored by an outside party. Initial correspondence from SCP-464 estimated that time would be needed for it to become cognizant of its anomalous properties. This estimate proved correct, but also caused officials within Site-██ to believe that researchers would later adapt enough for SCP-464's purposes as well as for their own benefit as well. With the aid of Foundation agents embedded within the facility, SCP-464 was subsequently drawn into containment and eventually removed from Site-██ with all memory of its actions prior to confinement wiped clean from all Foundation databases.
Addendum 1: SCP-464 was initially contained on the grounds of Site-██. Shortly after its initial containment, SCP-464 began to attack the facility's staff and its surrounding neighbors. As a result of the Foundation's efforts in containing SCP-464, no civilian casualties have occurred. SCP-464's ability to learn and memorize has been used in a variety of techniques to confuse and disorient the staff that is attempting to contain it. SCP-464 has proven itself an extremely intelligent entity, capable of learning and adapting to the best of Foundation personnel's abilities to contain it.