Picture of SCP-467.
Item #: SCP-467
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation has allocated a building on ██ Avenue, in ████████, for the containment of SCP-467. SCP-467 is to be contained here at all times. Guards are to be posted at all doors and windows, and the space must remain empty unless an experiment needs to be conducted. A two-meter length of plastic piping is to be buried underground in the center of the building and is to be kept filled with air.
Description: SCP-467 is a large, fully furnished two-story house. SCP-467's age is unknown; it appears to be in excellent condition and shows no signs of decay. A complete reference library is contained in the home, as well as an extensive video/DVD collection. The Foundation identifies the main room of the house as the "living room" and the kitchen as the "dining room," although no rules or laws (whether civillian or Foundation) are in effect within these rooms.
SCP-467 appears to have been built with a degree of integrity unusual among anomalous facilities, and contains only one security flaw: all doors and windows are equipped with simple locks which can only be opened from the outside. However, even when locked, these doors and windows remain invisible to anyone outside SCP-467. This property has proven useful for testing escape attempts by test subjects attempting to leave SCP-467.
Test B - Attempted Apprehension
Test B was designed to test how SCP-467 deals with containment breaches. D-6774 was left on the porch within SCP-467 for 7 days, followed by D-6782 leaving through a window on an unrelated matter and returned several hours later. Both D-class personnel remained in SCP-467 for exactly 24 hours before returning to their assigned quarters in Site ██.
Test C - Resemblance of SCP-467's Object to Nonanomalous Objects
A pair of small plastic balls was placed in front of a mirror inside SCP-467's living room. When viewed through this mirror, the two balls appeared identical to those kept on a shelf in Dr █████████'s office.
Video log A - Living Room
4 days after first containment breach
D-████ enters living room unannounced through rear door onto porch then moves slowly along back wall until he comes into view of living room furniture.
D-████: Good morning, Mrs ████████! How are you today? Do you mind if I ask you some questions?
SCP-467 is silent for half a minute.
D-████: Okay… good morning… uh… so what do you know about your husband? He left some time ago and we haven't been able to find him since then… you aren't worried right? I mean… did something happen between you two? Are there any suspicious circumstances surrounding his disappearance? We're concerned that something may have happened while he was traveling alone… I know he was pretty adventurous but… I guess we just wanted to make sure everything was okay before we start asking anybody else about him again… I mean, we managed to track down everyone else in town so far but not your husband… It seems like everyone else has a different explanation for his disappearence than yours… do you have any idea where he might have gone? Anything at all will help us get him back home safe and sound! Just talk to me about anything at all… any detail at all will help! We promise not to tell them how this recording got out or even how we found out about it! And please don't let anyone hear or know we came here! Like I said, we'd rather talk about anything than make people nervous about their husbands being missing just because we want to solve this mystery! If there's anything at all you could tell us us about your husband's disappearence that'll make us feel better please by all means do tell us! We really need your help here… thanks for your time Mrs ████████, goodbye!
There were no responses from audience members during this test.
Addendum: Video log B - Living Room
5 days after first containment breach
D-████ enters living room unannounced through rear door onto porch then moves slowly along back wall until he comes into view of living room furniture.
D-████: Good morning, Mrs ████████! How are you today? Do you mind if I ask you some questions?
SCP-467 is silent for half a minute.
D-████: Okay… good morning… uh… so what do you know about your husband? He left some time ago and we haven't been able to find him since then… you aren't worried right? I mean… did something happen between you two? Are there any suspicious circumstances surrounding his disappearance? We're concerned that something may have happened while he was traveling alone… I know he was pretty adventurous but… I guess we just wanted to make sure everything was okay before we start asking anybody else about him again… I mean, we managed to track down everyone else in town so far but not your husband… It seems like everyone else has a different explanation for his disappearence than yours… do you have any idea where he might have gone? Anything at all will help us get him back home safe and sound! Just talk to me about anything at all… any detail at all will help! We promise not to tell them how this recording got out or even how we found out about it! And please don't let anyone hear or know we came here! Like I said, we'd rather talk about anything than make people nervous about their husbands being missing just because we want to solve this mystery! If there's anything at all you could tell us us about your husband's disappearence that'll make us feel better please by all means do tell us! We really need your help here… thanks for your time Mrs ████████, goodbye!
There were no responses from audience members during this test.