
Picture of SCP-468.

Item #: SCP-468

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-468 is to be kept in a locked glass case at Site-77. All personnel are to wear headgear or other eyeglasses during contact with SCP-468. Any prying of the lid from its case is to immediately result in demotion and termination from the Site security staff, as well as a mandatory psychiatric evaluation.

Description: SCP-468 appears to be a teacup, carved out of white marble. Instances of SCP-468 have variously been marked as "Kiyamori", "Marble", and "Hiromi". The initials on the base are unknown at this time.

SCP-468 is largely impervious to damage or wear, although excessive force will cause fractures, chipping or flaking of the stone. It will still function properly in spite of these flaws, although it is highly impractical for any other purpose than to collect dust. SCP-468 will disintegrate anything placed inside its cavity, regardless of size or composition.

An instance of SCP-468 can be used to collect any fine dust particles. Any liquid placed within an SCP-468 instance will not mix with the dust; any attempt to pour water into an instance causes a painful abrasion on the user's eyes and nose. This effect does not occur when liquid is poured into a more conventional vessel (such as a glass, vial, etc.)

SCP-468 was originally discovered during a routine security check in one of Site-77's more secretive labs. The object had been used for cleaning for several years, when the lab discovered that it had mysteriously fallen victim to [DATA EXPUNGED].

All other known instances of SCP-468 are presumed lost to time.

Addendum: SCP-468 was originally discovered following a routine security check in one of Site-77's more secretive labs. The object had been used for cleaning for several years, when the lab discovered that it had mysteriously fallen victim to [DATA EXPUNGED].

All other known instances of SCP-468 are presumed lost to time.