
Picture of SCP-469.

Item #: SCP-469

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: An altar to SCP-469 is to be constructed in a Control Room, with physical access to the containment chamber being limited to Level 2 personnel. A copy of "The Life of St. Francis" translated into Gaelic is to be placed on the altar, and a small flame is to be kept lit at all times. No resources above level 2 clearance are to be used for research into the properties of SCP-469.

In the event that the Foundation has gained possession of a copy of "The Life of St. Francis" in any language, such copies are to be recovered, and further containment procedures implemented after consultation with a member of the O Council.

Description: SCP-469 is a spherical entity comprised of intersecting, overlapping polygonal surfaces. SCP-469's behavior is primarily related to intelligence, with the goal of "finding out what's on the other side".

SCP-469 appears to primarily communicate through light and heat, but may also use visual or auditory means to convey information. SCP-469 responds positively to those who perform actions that are above the ordinary, and reciprocally harms those who perform actions that are below the ordinary.

SCP-469 was originally discovered in 1966 in ██████, Italy, where it was observed attempting to interact with a statue of St. Francis. A report from the local bishop dated 1968 describes an event near ██████ in which every person present spontaneously experienced delusions indicating that they had been transported to [REDACTED], where St. Francis appeared before them and spoke to them for ██ days. The number of individuals involved was initially estimated at ███, but has since been revised upwards to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Several artifacts similar to SCP-469 have been recovered from the remains of individuals believed to have died during this period of time, although further analysis is not permitted due to potential security concerns.

Addendum 469-A: Secure storage of SCP-469 is prohibited.

Secure storage of SCP-469 is prohibited.