Picture of SCP-47.
Item #: SCP-47
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-47 is currently located in Site-77's safe-class storage locker. SCP-47 lacks an active anomalous effect and can not harm anyone, but as it is considered safe at this time, no further containment procedures are necessary.
Description: SCP-47 is a set of three rubber ducks, black in color. Two of these ducks are identical, measuring 4.4 cm in diameter and weighing 2.1 grams each. The third duck is smaller and has a different texture, with two pairs of fins on the bottom instead of one. With this duck, there are thirteen digits on each side of its body; the penguin's phalanges are divided into four segments.
SCP-47 appears as three objects when viewed under a microscope. The smallest duck (SCP-47-1) is composed of four components: a percentage sign (ℵ), a letter "Q" (for quanta), a number "0", and the letter "s", representing energy.
The middle duck (SCP-47-2) can be seen as units of time — each segment represents a second, and its pattern resembles the second hand of a clock. The largest duck (SCP-47-3) is composed of three bands, representing dimensions. It constantly rotates in space at an unknown rate between 0 and 1 radians per second; these dimensions may represent potential likelihoods to travel through alternate space-time paths. These three ducks have been shown to be capable of emitting light at different wavelengths depending on their intended use; for instance, SCP-47 emits light of red [REDACTED] when used for counting up to nine ducks simultaneously, but emits a wavelength matching the frequency band for white light when used in conjunction with SCP-47-2.
A fourth duck was reported to have been found in [REDACTED], but was lost due to [REDACTED]. Foundation personnel were unable to recover or gather any information regarding this fourth duck.
SCP-47 was recovered from [REDACTED], after satellite imagery showed it flying above the town on July 3rd 2011 by what investigators believed to be balloons carrying it away from its source location. In early 2012, SCP-47 was taken into Foundation custody after Foundation assets secured it from the United States Postal Service in Seattle, Washington. During transport by ██████████ Police Department armored transport vehicle, SCP-47 spontaneously animated, followed by spontaneous release of white light similar to that emitted by SCP-47-3 when transformed into its fully animate state. The police officers involved were all terminated after attempting to stop this event from occurring, resulting in the loss of [REDACTED]. When interviewed about this event Ceratopian claimed that he was unaware he was transporting objects with anomalous properties until his last words recorded by the police vehicle's taser camera system; Ceratopian stated that he never wanted to see those ducks again after seeing them fly away from him.
SCP-47 was originally discovered when a group of teenagers in [REDACTED] reported three anomalous ducks in the area between [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. The teens claimed that the ducks came out of a large plastic Easter egg located near their home. The eggs contained ten ducks, all of which were identical to SCP-47. Upon recovery by Foundation agents stationed in [REDACTED], the first three ducks, which had been activated by the teens, spontaneously animated and flew away from the eggs. These three ducks returned to their original locations, but no further anomalous activity was observed from them.
Further investigation into this case revealed that the eggs contained more than just SCP-47 and that there were at least five other eggs, each with a different set of anomalous objects contained within them. The eggs were recovered by Foundation agents and transported to Site-77 for study. This case is currently being investigated as an SCP object, in light of SCP-47's connection to the second SCP object: SCP-17.