
Picture of SCP-472.

Item #: SCP-472

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-472 is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-66. Testing and observation are to be performed under the guise of an illegal, private business that deals in rare, non-standard items. Personnel are not to interact with SCP-472 directly; any such interaction results in termination.

Any prospective buyer must undergo Class A amnesticization before acquiring SCP-472. All buyers (including Foundation employees) must submit a statement that they are purchasing it for non-Foundation purposes.

Description: SCP-472 is a purse (labeled "Baby Bag for Women's Needs in Distress"). The lining of SCP-472 has been replaced with approximately 2,000 sheets of paper, all in the same standard corporate letterhead as Site-66. The papers appear to be blank by default, but can be written on with non-fading ink.

SCP-472's anomalous properties are triggered whenever it is used as a bag. When used this way, SCP-472 cannot hold less than ████ kilograms of weight and quickly loses its density and appearance, becoming impermeable to all physical forces. Once filled, the bag will not change shape unless the user wishes it to, and the bag will not release any weight it holds.

When an item placed inside SCP-472 is removed, no matter how small or large, the contents of SCP-472 will immediately match a brand new item of the same type and quantity. For example, if three ballpoint pens are inserted into SCP-472, replacing them with three rulers will result in a [DATA EXPUNGED] amount of rulers being removed from SCP-472. The items can be replaced however they wish; they generally prefer to replace objects that contain similar properties (e.g., rulers belonging to a law enforcement organization will be replaced with rulers belonging to one).

SCP-472 was discovered when two Foundation agents were dispatched to investigate reports of an unusual business at Site-66. Upon arrival at Site-66's public entrance, one agent found empty parking spaces nearby that matched the times vehicles had disappeared from the parking lot. The other agent was confronted by an armed security guard who then killed him by placing his hand into SCP-472 and showing no reaction from tampering with SCP-472 after it returned him to life (see Incident Report 472/A).

After investigation concluded that Site-66 was not behind the disappearances, Mobile Task Force Kappa was sent in to locate and kidnap Dr. ██████. During questioning, Dr. ██████ injected MTF Kappa members with Class A amnestics before revealing that he was hired to obtain SCP-472 for a Foundation contact (who wished to remain anonymous) before he fled the scene.

So long as it remains within Foundation control, neither Dr. ██████ nor any other individual having knowledge of its origin may use SCP-472 in any capacity other than observation or testing; unauthorized use will result in termination.

Addendum Following Incident 472/A:

On █/██/████, SCP-472 was found in the possession of a guard at Site-66 during a routine inspection. SCP-472 was placed in containment and its anomalous properties were determined by MTF Beta-2.