Picture of SCP-479.
Item #: SCP-479
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-479 is contained in a standard containment cell at Site-77. The object is to be kept in a standard containment cell, and made of non-combustible materials. The object may not be removed from the containment chamber without consent of the object's current master.
Description: SCP-479 is an ashtray. It is empty of ash.
When a subject places an item into SCP-479, the object's anomalous properties activate, and the item will disappear completely. The subject can then speak to the item as if it were still present. However, any attempt to interact with the item during this time will result in some form of feedback.
SCP-479-A are objects (hereafter referred to as SCP-479-1) that are affected by SCP-479 in a different manner than other objects. Most SCP-479-1 instances retain their structural integrity even when removed from SCP-479, but cannot be easily interacted with. Attempts at communication with SCP-479-1 instances have revealed that they have a strong desire to be released from SCP-479; however, attempts at doing so have not been successful due to SCP-479's anomalous properties.
Instances of SCP-579 (see below) do not exhibit this behavior; instances of SCP-579 merely pass on a message or statement given by the original sender, regardless of the nature or structure of said message.
Addendum: On 19/06/20██, SCP-479 was recovered from a home in the ██████████ valley, ██████. The home had been empty for several months, and had sustained heavy damage during an EF-4 tornado on 18/06/20██. The owner of the home had been killed during the storm.
Found in the home were the following items:
A note was found written to the object's master, on white paper with a blue stripe. It read:
Do not go gentle into that good night