
Picture of SCP-482.

Item #: SCP-482

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-482 is currently contained in a standard containment chamber, containing a single rack of computer equipment. The chamber's door must remain closed at all times, and the lighting must remain on for the duration of a trial.

If one of four indications is met during any trial, including but not limited to:

Special attention must be paid to the audio channels where SCP-482 is being recorded; if any of these channels go out of order, the recording must cease immediately.

Description: SCP-482 is a set of five monitors displaying five separate windows with interactive activities. To successfully complete the trial, the user must perform the activity in each window. In addition to being able to see the activity, users are also able to hear and interact with the event.

Once completed, the result will be displayed in each window. The result can range from SCP-482's perspective, SCP-482's perspective with the removal of an item, or a third party's perspective.

Each activity has been observed to function differently on different computers.

Addendum: On ██/██/████, SCP-482 was observed displaying a normal Windows-based desktop. After approximately five minutes of continuous interaction with the application, SCP-482 was observed to display a message in all five windows, reading as follows:

"They Have Brought Blood"

The message remained on the screen for approximately eight minutes before disappearing.