Picture of SCP-486.
Item #: SCP-486
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-486 is to be contained within a standard containment chamber at Site-17's Teleportation Wing. When not in use, SCP-486 should have its exterior panels sealed and its interior exposed to the vacuum of space so that ionized gases will flow through it.
SCP-486's interior should be maintained to prevent chemical corrosion. Additionally, it should be kept blanketed with an oxygen sampler to detect and locate organisms inhabiting the interior.
Once every two weeks, SCP-486's interior should be checked to ensure that no organisms have breached the chamber; if so, they are to be incinerated immediately. Any loss of atmosphere in SCP-486 will result in that section of SCP-486 being sealed off and all atmosphere being pumped back into the interior until it has been replenished.
Description: SCP-486 is a starship of unknown origin. SCP-486 was found orbiting a nearby star system sometime in the early 21st century. The lack of dust and other physical debris around SCP-486 suggests that it had been dormant for several decades before its discovery.
A large portion of the interior of SCP-486 consists of a small habitat filled with elastic polymers that can stretch to accommodate its inhabitants. This habitat type is found on several different types of starships throughout the Foundation's database. It is currently unknown how SCP-486's inhabitants are able to live in such environments, although they have been observed doing so by repeatedly stretching an arm or leg outside their habitat, then rapidly pulling it back in, as if they were being pulled apart.
Test 486-1: Subject 7B was placed inside SCP-486's interior and allowed to interact with it for two hours. Inside the interior, 7B reported feeling no discomfort from motion within a vacuum environment. After interacting with SCP-486 for two hours, 7B stated that "the space [was] kind of empty", but did not appear to experience any discomfort from the ship's environment.
Over the next several days, 7B developed acute muscle pain in her shoulders and arms, eventually causing her to take painkillers and use a wheelchair to move about. This was eventually downgraded to not requiring medication; however, 7B noted that her shoulder muscles were still sore whenever she attempted physical activity after approximately 30 days inside SCP-486.
Addendum: SCP-486\'s interior is currently under investigation by personnel with Level-2 clearance. While investigating, Level-2 personnel are to be accompanied by a Level-1 security team (SCP-486-A) at all times; Level-2 personnel are not to enter any part of SCP-486\'s interior without the presence of a Level-1 security team.
Upon entry into any area of SCP-486\'s interior, a large number of what appear to be human eyes will begin to appear on the walls, ceiling and floor; these eyes will either follow the movements of SCP-486-A or provide an unseen observer with an unobstructed view of SCP-486\'s interior. SCP-486-A has reported that these eyes "follow [them] wherever [they] go", and that they feel "like they\'re watching [them]". No further observations have been made in this regard since Level-2 personnel entered and exited SCP-486\'s interior.
Level-2 personnel have also reported seeing large numbers of what appear to be large polyps (similar in appearance to a polyp found on a coral reef, with numerous arms and long, pointed mouths) moving around within SCP-486\'s interior. The polyps move through their environment at a speed approximately 1/20th that of the ship, which makes it difficult for Level-2 personnel to keep up with them. They have been observed attacking individuals who attempt to enter the interior, which causes severe pain and damage to the victim.
After being attacked by one of these polyps, Level-2 personnel reported feeling like their muscles were being ripped apart from the inside out.