Picture of SCP-496.
Item #: SCP-496
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-496 is in the custody of the Foundation. Routinely, SCP-496 has three (3) D-class personnel standing guard at its location. If a situation such as the destruction of Site-██ occurs, any "initiated" personnel will receive Class-B amnestics and be designated as non-SCP personnel. Any other potential personnel or civilian that finds or asks about SCP-496 should be kept in D class and their memory of the incident erased.
Description: SCP-496 is a bottle of Gin, manufactured by the [REDACTED] London Gin Company. Upon contact with an alcoholic product or human body parts, SCP-496's effects will activate. Notable effects include:
The main anomalous properties of SCP-496 are its effect on alcohol and its ability to transform liquid into a solid state when it is freshly created. The transformation can happen in one of three ways:
SCP-496 has been known to transform alcoholic beverages into different types of medicinal herbs, including [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED].
Any equipment used to make or consume alcoholic beverages while SCP-496 is teleported will become damaged over time. This includes anything used in the manufacturing or preparation process as well as cups, glasses and mugs. "Initiated" personnel are immune to these effects from SCP-496.
Addendum: On ██/██/████, a Class-D personnel was captured while attempting to obtain SCP-496. This individual was not given a memory of the incident and instead returned to their normal duties. Any communication from this personnel has been noted to be detailed and factual.