
Picture of SCP-497.

Item #: SCP-497

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-497 requires the use of at least two (2) personnel to operate, and is currently contained in a purpose-built containment chamber. The chamber is surrounded by a 20 m electrified fence, and motion detectors are used to detect any unauthorized activity outside the chamber.

Due to SCP-497's continued movement, it is currently housed in a specially constructed containment lock that can be moved as needed. SCP-497 has been moved multiple times during testing, but a maximum of thirty minutes outside of its original location is currently allowed. Personnel entering SCP-497 are advised to remain at least four (4) meters away from it while inside.

Description: SCP-497 is a device measuring 1.22 m in height, 3.22 m in width, and 7.5 m in length with a total mass of approximately 400 kg. SCP-497 has one large red button on top, marked with a white cross with "Caution: Do Not Push" written below it in all capital letters.

To date, SCP-497 has undergone no changes or modifications. It was discovered near ████████████████, ████████████ in 1979 as the abandoned project of a secret society known as the SCP Foundation during its early stages of development. Following Foundation personnel discovering it, SCP-497 was contained and moved to Site-77 for research purposes.

SCP-497 was created by the SCP Foundation in the medium of [REDACTED], a form of communication that allows its recipients to ignore any translation or translation loss affecting their words. The only way current research can show how this is accomplished is through observation, which shows that the medium used is not visible.

Upon entering [REDACTED], researchers have noted that while most languages have difficulty with [REDACTED], Arabic speakers have demonstrated limited understanding when translating [REDACTED]. There exists an instance where ten (10) Arabic speakers interpreted a conversation between two (2) German speakers as them being Swedish rather than Arabic; however, due to the language barrier between parties at the time, German speakers were unable to verify this either, leading researchers to conclude that [REDACTED] is non-sequitur and therefore impervious to translation loss affecting its recipients.

Addendum: Below is a partial transcript of an interview with SCP-497:

Interviewer: Dr. ████

Interviewee: SCP-497

Foreword: The interview was conducted following personnel entering the chamber and noticing that SCP-497 had been moved.

Dr. ████: Can you tell me where you are right now?

SCP-497: No.

Dr. ████: If I told you that I had a gun pointed at you, would you know where I am?

SCP-497: Yes.

Foreword: This was observed by all researchers present.

Dr. ████: Why is that?

SCP-497: You have to move in order to see me.

Dr. ████: What do you mean by "in order to see me"?

SCP-497: I\'m not entirely sure. It feels like you\'re trying to find me. But I\'m not there, am I?

Dr. ████: So what does your button do then?

SCP-497: It\'s a button for a reason, isn\'t it? I\'m not sure what it does, but pushing it will let you know where I am.

Dr. ████: Why don\'t you just tell us?

SCP-497: Because I don\'t want to give up my secrets without a fight, do I? That\'s the whole point of me being here, isn\'t it? To keep my secrets safe, and keep people away from them. You people keep trying to get in my way when it\'s time to fight, but that\'s what makes me happy.

Foreword: This was observed by all researchers present, who noted that the SCP-497 appeared to be smiling while doing so.