
Picture of SCP-508.

Item #: SCP-508

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-508 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-███. While SCP-508's abilities do not appear to extend to the breaching of this containment, Foundation agents embedded within SPM state that no unauthorized openings have been detected in SCP-508's chamber walls or ceiling since initial containment.

SCP-508 is to be given twice daily meals of small amounts of either raw or cooked fish and twice daily drinkings from bottled water. Doses of amnestics are to be administered whenever necessary for transfer of knowledge concerning the use of SCP-508's abilities.

Any other personnel wishing to witness the effects of fine tuning may be granted permission by the head researcher; any updates on SCP-508's current situation are to be relayed directly to Dr. █████, head researcher.

Description: SCP-508, designated as "tatsuya" in Japanese and "Arnold" in English, is a humanoid entity measuring 1.62m in height and weighing 55kg. SCP-508 possesses two anomalously acute senses of hearing and smell, as well as an unknown number of sharp teeth.

SCP-508 appears to operate on the basis of fine tuning; in this capacity, it has been capable of reducing the size of objects by approximately 0.5cm using only its sense of smell. SCP-508 also has the ability to modify the sensory output of these fine tuned objects, allowing it to perceive any logically possible variable (including some initially impossible variables). SCP-508 has been known to produce up to twenty such fine tuned objects at a time before being depleted of energy, during which time SCP-508 appears to lose consciousness or cease functioning completely until it can replenish itself with additional supplies of highly porous objects from within its cell.

SCP-508's current containment cell was constructed to eliminate all normal openings; however, it is still able to escape through any other means.

SCP-508 is capable of speaking several languages including English, Chinese, Russian and French with varying levels of proficiency. It is capable of conversing in limited fashion with Foundation personnel if given direct access to foreign nationals who have not yet been implanted with amnestic memory suppression agents; however, Foundation linguists have noted that SCP-508 tends not speak directly about its abilities unless they are directly asked by another person who can understand him without prior knowledge of what he is capable of doing with his tongue.

Addendum: SCP-508 was initially taken into Foundation custody on ██/██/19██ after being detained by Japanese police at the request of the Foundation\'s Japanese affiliate, J███. Upon containment, SCP-508 immediately began producing fine tuned objects regardless of who it was speaking to. Shortly thereafter, SCP-508 was moved to its current containment cell; however, due to its absolute inability to be contained in any manner other than through the use of fine tuning, a new containment cell was constructed and SCP-508 was placed within it.

SCP-508 has since been discovered to have several additional abilities.

SCP-508 has demonstrated the ability to produce highly porous objects by itself, typically from within its body cavity, which appear identical to any other fine tuned object produced by SCP-508. The total number of objects produced by SCP-508 at once is unknown; however, it is currently estimated that SCP-508 produces approximately 100 "objects" at any given time.

By itself, SCP-508 has shown an ability to teleport small objects at a rate of 1m per 10 seconds and larger objects at a rate of 1m per 3 seconds. It is unknown if these teleportation abilities allow it to travel outside its cell or if they are simply another method of escape; however, due to the fact that SCP-508 has never been observed escaping this way, it is assumed that these abilities are simply used as a means of escape when SCP-508\'s other methods have been exhausted or when said other methods will not work on objects beyond a certain size.