Picture of SCP-509.
Item #: SCP-509
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-509 is kept in a Standard Humanoid Containment Unit, equipped with a standard bed and high-end entertainment system. SCP-509 is not to be brought outside of the containment unit without special permission.
All staff assigned to SCP-509 are required to wear head gear at all times while interacting with it or within the chamber housing it. Staff members who take their head gear off for any reason will be administered Class A Amnestics.
In addition to its usual dietary needs, SCP-509 requires 1 set of new clothes and 2 sets of undergarments a year. These requirements are to be met by purchasing them from Specialized Clothiers, a subsidiary of Foundation purchase orders. Clothing is to be delivered to SCP-509's chamber once per month.
Description: SCP-509 is a 34 year-old humanoid male, formerly an employee at D-Class Recruitment and Provisional Site-108. It is currently classified as a Safe Euclid entity, as of 8/28/2009.
SCP-509 demonstrates abnormal intelligence on all subjects related to Human language and communication systems - it is capable of learning any language that has been written in Standard APG (American Preschool Grammar) within one month. Further research has shown this to be limited to Standard APG languages - SCP-509 demonstrates no ability to learn or memorize languages that are not written using the rules of Standard APG. It can read the resulting vocabulary lists by simply reading them aloud or having someone else read them to it. It has never demonstrated any signs that it may be able to record complex sounds or syllables.
In addition to its normal communicative abilities, SCP-509 possesses a level of telepathy equivalent to [REDACTED], which allows it to communicate without words with any individual who understands spoken standard American Preschool Grammars. This communication apparently requires close physical contact, as either SCP-509 itself or at least one of the individuals involved must be touching another person for the successful communication process to occur. If two people are not speaking in this fashion, communication between the two individuals is delayed or unsuccessful.
While usually rather quiet and reserved, SCP-509 will become violent if asked questions it feels are inappropriate or rudely phrased, such as inquiring about its family life or personal problems. It has been shown capable of throwing objects at the interrogator until they leave the room.
SCP-509 was originally brought into Foundation custody on 9/25/1996 following reports by members of Project Scranton that an entity was responsible for mass destruction and kidnappings in order to prevent documentation of their illegal activities by local law enforcement agencies. During its stay at Site-108 as a D-Class prisoner, SCP-509 was overheard asking numerous times for permission to kill itself. Personnel took this request seriously enough to secure SCP-509's cell from outside access, but failed to consider that SCP-509 had no way of physically harming itself safely. After incarcerating SCP-509 in a small wire cage for its own protection, personnel were able to successfully perform a feeding procedure on it through a mouth gag prior to classifying it as a Euclid entity.
If kept isolated for long periods of time (more than 40 hours), SCP-509 may attempt suicide by means considered too shameful by society for publication in these records; however, escape attempts have been unsuccessful due to its containment being guarded 24 hours per day and being situated behind an independent blast door.
Addendum: SCP-509 was originally contained in a standard humanoid containment unit, but was brought to general Foundation custody on 11/18/1999 after 4 months of solitary confinement. At some time between that date and the present, SCP-509's behavior changed significantly. It now shows no signs of violence or aggression towards anyone, is capable of communicating with all personnel in Standard APG without physical contact, and will cease its attempts at suicide if it believes they are helping its situation. It has also stopped mentioning its previous request to be able to kill itself.
As of 08/28/2009, SCP-509 has been classified as Safe Euclid. It has been moved into a larger humanoid containment unit equipped with a bed, TV, snacks, and other normal amenities. Personnel assigned to SCP-509 are now required to wear a special helmet while talking to it; attempting to speak with it without wearing this helmet has resulted in Class A amnestics being administered.