Picture of SCP-518.
Item #: SCP-518
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-518 is contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber in Site-712's Bio-Containment Wing. SCP-518 is to be kept on a diet consisting primarily of high protein and low carbohydrate foods. SCP-518 is not to be given any access to recreational environments or any entertainment served in those environments. In addition, SCP-518 is allowed access to one hour of time per day, which it may spend meditating, conversing with other entities, or reading philosophical texts by Zeno of Elea.
In order to test the properties of SCP-518's consciousness and divination capabilities, personnel are to read aloud passages from collections of philosophical texts as often as possible. Special care must be taken when handling the volumes, as they should not be handled by more than one person at a time.
Description: SCP-518 is a human male, approximately 20 years of age. It is 153 cm, weighs 62kg and has a BMI of 29.9 (in accordance with the Body Mass Index). SCP-518 possesses no anomalous properties other than its ability to manifest and manipulate a small fraction of the information in any refereed philosophical text. For instance, after being fed 100 pages from a book on ancient Greek metaphysics and mathematics, SCP-518 described himself as a "large entropic system", capable of performing "mechanistic operations" on that information through its mind.
SCP-518 also demonstrated the ability to map out abstract processes applied to the history of philosophy. When asked what it meant by "the meaning of life", SCP-518 spent six hours attempting to calculate the word "life" using information from any collection of papers relating to the histories of philosophy. However, the results were consistently nonsensical and contradictory, such that SCP-518 suggested that there was no way to quantify the concept of life except by continually eroding portions of it.
SCP-518 is capable of providing logical explanations for most mundane phenomena occurring around it, including photographic equipment failing to function correctly during testing periods, any failure that occurs during testing procedures designed to test how SCP-518 functions, how SCP-518 functions, or any other possible causes for failure that might occur when testing or studying SCP-518 in any respect. Any explanations given by SCP-518 are found to be entirely accurate at all times.
In addition to its divination abilities, SCP-518 has demonstrated several uncommon talents for mental calculation and memory retention.
Addendum: Following the incident in which SCP-518 was removed from its containment chamber, it began displaying several additional anomalous properties.
SCP-518 has demonstrated the ability to predict the long-term effects of removing SCP-518 from its containment chamber. The effects of this prediction have been recorded below.