Picture of SCP-531.
Item #: SCP-531
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-531 is to be contained in a standard containment chamber, with the door to the chamber left open at all times. The chamber is to be checked for signs of breach at least twice daily by personnel equipped with Level 3 Clearance or higher.
Any persons attempting to enter SCP-531 are to be detained and questioned. Any persons who are unable to answer one of the following questions posed by the Foundation are not to be permitted entry into SCP-531:
Person's full name?
Birth date?
Age range?
Current whereabouts?
Where did you come from?
Any personnel inside SCP-531 are discouraged from speaking aloud or answering these questions aloud. If a question cannot be answered, the interviewer should direct its attention instead to an object in view that can answer the question. Interviews should last no longer than 30 minutes. All personnel reduced to tears upon entrance into SCP-531 are advised to remain outside the chamber until they have regained enough composure to continue interviewing.
All persons entering SCP-531 must make sure that their civilian clothing is not visibly altered in any way before entering it. They may not reenter SCP-531 without removing their civilian attire. Civilian attire may be found within SCP-531 if lost or discarded by the subject; details on how this occurs is unknown.
Description: SCP-531 is a large, white room with no discernible entrance or end. Each wall of the room is decorated with a pair of old-fashioned wooden doors. Despite being identical in appearance, each door is engraved with its own name and number:
Door #1: The Door of Dreams (2/13)
Door #2: The Door of Torn Dreams (7/24)
Door #3: The Door of Lost Dreams (10/35)
Door #4: The Door of Broken Hearts (12/55)
Door #5: The Door to Everywhere Else (Owner Unknown)
Each door may only be opened from the opposite side. Individuals who wish to leave SCP-531 may do so by making a request to open one of the doors facing away from them and facing it for at least two minutes. A door will then open and allow access to an area that does not correspond to any place in the world currently known by anyone. This area is referred to as SCP-531-A. Requests within a week of the beginning of a new month are responded to more quickly than requests made during other times. Thus, requests should be made on the first day of the specified month.
After exiting SCP-531-A, time resumes as normal in SCP-531 and SCP-531-A respectively. No further anomalous properties have been recorded affecting this effect.
Addendum: SCP-531 was discovered following reports of numerous missing persons. Foundation agents were sent to investigate the home of one of these individuals, who claimed to have played a role in their "disappearance". Upon arriving at the residence, the agents were confronted by a large group of children, most of whom appeared to be approximately thirteen years old. The group had apparently been waiting for the agents outside the home and immediately attacked upon hearing their arrival. After a short fight, the agents were able to escape SCP-531 with the assistance of SCP-173, who teleported them away from SCP-531 and then returned to SCP-531.
The next day, the agents returned to SCP-531. The door to SCP-531 had been left open and the room was empty. At this time it was discovered that the names on the doors had changed (see Addendum 531-1), including:
Door #2: Door of Lost Dreams
Door #3: Door to Everywhere Else
Door #4: Door of Broken Hearts
Door #5: Door to Everywhere Else
After SCP-531 had been repainted, the door to SCP-531-A had been left open and a cat, previously found within SCP-531, was seen exiting the room through it. This behavior is consistent with that of other subjects who have entered SCP-531 after it was opened.