Picture of SCP-533.
Item #: SCP-533
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-533 is to be kept in a five (5) meter square room with a hardwood floor. SCP-533's containment chamber is to be equipped with a motion sensor and connected to a security camera. All personnel entering the containment chamber must wear footwear with the bottom removed.
In the event of an SCP-533 breach, all staff members on duty are to be immediately terminated via strangulation. Survivors are to be administered amnestics, and any notes or other possible evidence of this event are to be destroyed. It is recommended that no test individuals be assigned as researchers for SCP-533 until its reclassification has been finalized. Site ██ is currently being maintained as a safehouse in case of SCP-533 breach.
Description: SCP-533 is a human skull, missing all but the lower jaw, surrounding by a layer of brain tissue. The skull appears to be made up of traditional stone, and was found in an abandoned Native American village at ████, Colorado.
SCP-533 can move at a speed of less than 0.1 meters per second with ████ degrees of freedom. It does not appear to use muscle energy or exoskeleton technology; movement appears to be generated entirely by cellular activity within the brain and spinal cord. The skull itself does not display any signs of mobility, but many additional bones within the torso area begin to move at speeds significantly higher than those of the brain and spinal cord.
It has been determined that if SCP-533's brain is removed from its body, it will continue its movement until completely dismembered. If the brain is removed from the body without being completely severed from the spine, it will maintain its current position until such time as it is reattached to a new host body.
Injury to the head that damages both the skull and brain below will cause SCP-533 to pause momentarily before continuing its original movement. At this point, damage to the head after this point will cause SCP-533 to fly backwards in a straight line until it collides with something hard enough to halt its progress. When struck by objects outside of its view, SCP-533 will attempt to flee as quickly as possible while maintaining its target unless otherwise directed by experiment personnel.
As of ██/██/████, SCP-533 is to be moved to a new containment chamber, and the original chamber is to be moved to Site ██.
Update: On ██/██/████, an attempt was made to sever the spine of SCP-533 in order to obtain specimens for research. The attempt failed when the previously mentioned spinal injury occurred. The spine was severed, but SCP-533's head remained attached for a period of thirty (30) seconds before flying backwards at a rate of ███ kilometers per hour until it impacted with a rock approximately ██ meters from its original position.
It remains unknown whether SCP-533's original brain and skull were completely severed.