Picture of SCP-539.
Item #: SCP-539
Object Class: Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-539 instances have been secured for study and are currently stored in storage lockers at Site-117.
Description: SCP-539 is a single-use ticket valid for passage on any route of the ████████ Transportation Network. SCP-539 will always conform to available seats, using seat assignment methods consistent with that of the transportation network.
In addition to its use as a ticket on the ████████ Transportation Network, SCP-539 does not appear to have any anomalous properties when used for other purposes.
The effect of SCP-539 can be blocked by applying standard anti-forgery measures such as xerography and ultraviolet copying. Tests involving non-anomalous means of altering or duplicating SCP-539 instances have not been successful.
Addendum 539-01: SCP-539 was recovered from a ████████ Transportation Network ticket booth in ███████, ████████ following an incident on October 27, 2015. The ticket booth was found to have been vandalized, with the station's logo crudely painted on its door and several SCP-539 instances scattered throughout the booth. According to witnesses, no passengers entered the station prior to the vandalism.
The proprietor of the station, █████ ████████ (deceased), was found dead in his office, apparently having hanged himself from a pocket watch stand in his office, with SCP-539 strewn across his desk.
Autopsy revealed no evidence of attempted suicide or foul play. Several SCP-539 instances were found within Mr. █████'s system.