
Picture of SCP-543.

Item #: SCP-543

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-543 is currently located in a large containment chamber on Site-42, which is guarded by two armed security agents at all times. Access to SCP-543's containment chamber is restricted to personnel with Level 2 clearance or above. Any personnel found attempting to read SCP-543's surface without permission may be forcibly detained by the on-site guards and treated as an unidentified amorphous object-entity.

Description: SCP-543 is a giant, humanoid figure, approximately 8 km tall. SCP-543's body is covered in large, rough patches of hair, and its limbs are relatively short. The figure's head is pointed and bulbous, with a small, round nose and dull eyes. SCP-543 wears a small loincloth around its waist. The figure appears to have no other features save for its arms, which have been severed below the elbow joint and have been replaced by several dozen mechanical arms of varying lengths attached to the base of SCP-543's neck via crude hoses. Its head is powered by an unknown energy source installed in the base of its neck.

SCP-543 has shown an incredible amount of hostility to any personnel attempting to observe its surroundings or interact with it. To date, all researchers attempting to study the entity have been either killed or severely injured by SCP-543's hostile behavior. No form of communication has been established between SCP-543 and Foundation staff at this time.

SCP-543's body is largely powered by a solar battery array situated on its back, though internal processes cause periodic discharges from the base of its neck (which resemble lightning) that occasionally create bright flashes within its containment chamber. These discharges appear to be triggered by the movement or proximity of any personnel within the vicinity of SCP-543.

Addendum: On 05/12/2028, following a period of unusually high activity from SCP-543, containment footage was reviewed by Dr. ████████ and witness personnel. Following this review, SCP-543's containment chamber was found to be in an unusually unstable state, with several of its support beams in danger of imminent collapse. Due to the threat of additional injury to witnesses, personnel were forced to initiate the termination protocol on SCP-543's containment chamber.

Following termination of SCP-543, a bright flash similar in intensity to SCP-543's discharge from its base on the floor of its containment chamber was observed by all personnel. In addition, multiple large chunks of concrete were observed to have been removed from the ceiling and walls of SCP-543's containment chamber, followed shortly thereafter by a surge of power in its solar battery array that caused significant damage to the containment chamber's support beams.

After the incident, all records detailing the current status and location of SCP-543 were deleted from Site-42's log databases.