
Picture of SCP-551.

Item #: SCP-551

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-551 is to live in a cell measuring 5.5m x 3.2m. SCP-551's diet and exercise schedule are decided by the Site Director, who should inform the researcher assigned to SCP-551 at least a week in advance.

SCP-551's health may be assessed remotely by means of video link, or the test subject may be brought to the site, currently Area-211 ("The Highlands"), in order to provide an in person assessment.

Any tests involving live animals must involve only those that pose no risk of being painful or fatal to humans; only personnel with appropriate training should handle non-human test subjects.

Description: SCP-551 is a Caucasian male, 25 years old, who speaks fluent English and Spanish, with some proficiency in French, Portuguese and Japanese. In addition, SCP-551 has learned basic knowledge of Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese and German.

SCP-551's body mass index is significantly below normal for a human of similar height; however, all other physiological data is within the average range for a healthy human male. It should be noted that SCP-551 does not appear to lack the standard complement of organs and internal systems required for life in a human body.

SCP-551's civilian name is (deceased), but his status as an SCP object makes this identification impossible. At the time of this writing, SCP-551's origins remain unknown. SCP-551 claims that he was born to a short-term slave owner in ████, Mexico, but his memory of his childhood is completely non-existent prior to beginning middle school.

The cause of SCP-551's amnesia is not understood at this time. He appears to have forgotten everything about himself except his own name; he cannot remember his childhood or any aspect of his adolescence before the age of 17. It should also be noted that no aspect of his personality was altered as a result of this memory loss; he does not seem to have developed any sort of sociopathic tendencies or personality traits that might suggest repression by another individual (such as those exhibited by MTF Shaker). Further investigation into SCP-551's childhood history may reveal possible links to other anomalies in the area at the time; such information will be used only after approval from Site Director Dr ██████.

Regardless of the reason for SCP-551's amnesia, he will continue to forget new information until a sufficiently long period passes for him to take notice of it again. Remarkably little sensory information reaches his brain during periods when he cannot recall new facts: apart from eyesight and hearing, none of his senses appear to function normally when he cannot interact with others in any way whatsoever. However, research indicates that at least some part of his brain remains active even when he cannot consciously think or remember events which would normally excite him; instead he will retain what could be viewed as a "mental snapshot" from this state. Some researchers believe that these snapshots are flashes into an alternate reality where nothing has happened; however, Foundation psychiatrists have identified no abnormal mental conditions in these individuals during their flashbacks episodes.

Addendum: SCP-551\'s "mental snapshot" is consistent with theories of a limited form of multiple personality disorder in which the subject may recall both the normal version of himself and a second version of himself who remembers events differently. However, the second version of SCP-551 has not been observed to appear unless another person in contact with him — such as a researcher — pushes him into an extreme emotional state. The exact nature of SCP-551\'s personality, and therefore its cause, remains unknown.

SCP-551 has been known to play chess against Foundation staff members. It appears to be something he enjoys doing; however, SCP-551 refuses to play against any other individuals at this time, even those who have no other choice but to participate in testing for reasons unrelated to his abilities. This behavior is currently under investigation.

The following is a transcript from a game of chess played by Dr ██████ and SCP-551 on 8/9/██. Dr ██████ was aware of SCP-551\'s inability to remember new information, and had prepared his next move before the game began.

Dr ██████: Checkmate!

SCP-551: Oh, you did it?

Dr ██████: Yes — I have a king and rook in your corner now.

SCP-551: Well, I can see that… I haven\'t looked at my own man yet. (SCP-551 studies the board for several seconds.) Now I know what you used.

Dr ██████: What? No… I think they were just the oldest piece that could move… But if you ever need a helping hand…

SCP-551: (frowns slightly) You\'re too kind, sir.

Dr ██████: Hey, it\'s not kindness — it\'s self defense! If you can beat me with your brain then you can beat anyone else alive! Honestly though, if you ever want to play again… Just let me know.

SCP-551: Yeah, sure thing. I\'ll try to call you sometime… (smiles.)

Dr ██████: (smiles back.) Fine, fine. As long as you don\'t turn into some psychotic killer whenever we meet again… Anyway, we\'ve got other stuff to do. See ya around then, buddy.

After this game, Dr ██████ began to act differently around SCP-551; he was more friendly, and less fair to SCP-551 than he normally was. He was also more dismissive towards SCP-551\'s offers of friendship or support; however, Dr ██████ did not attempt to force the conversation into a direction which might upset SCP-551 further. On occasion Dr ██████ would play against SCP-551 again with no significant changes in their relationship, but these occurrences became less frequent over time.