Picture of SCP-558.
Item #: SCP-558
Object Class: Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation has already recovered all of the components of SCP-558.
Due to the nature of these entities, they have been neutralized and destroyed. All associated memetic effects have been removed from around the world. It is hypothesized that this will also make it difficult for future manifestations of SCP-558 in nature to occur.
Description: SCP-558 is a large light fixture in the shape of a double helix with a central hub. SCP-558's design refers to DNA, its components being phosphorous and magnesium. The illumination provided by SCP-558 was an anomalous effect that only occurred during full moon cycles.
When exposed to live human subjects, humans within 150 meters would be shown how their own DNA works. This did not affect Foundation personnel or animals, but additional testing should be done on it.
Addendum 558-1:
On 4/8/1999, a large mass of matter was gathered and destroyed at the site of SCP-558. It was determined that this was the manifestation of the entity itself. There was no other evidence of any other manifestations of the entity. This is the only known manifestation of the entity.