
Picture of SCP-562.

Item #: SCP-562

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Site-88a is to be located directly to the west of █████, MI, and is to be outfitted with a teleporter. All personnel entering Site-88a are to wear respirators and gas-tight masks.

At no time are civilians or other non-Foundation personnel allowed to access SCP-562. All civilian vessels approaching Site-88a have been turned back by Foundation agents posing as Coast Guard members.

Description: SCP-562 is a large underground mine in Frenchtown, MI, which has remained sealed since its discovery in 1857. The mine was constructed from rectangular stone blocks measuring approximately 1.8 meters by 0.3 meters by 0.3 meters. It has been claimed that the mine is illuminated via coal-powered lamps operating on an oil-fueled generator at the bottom of the mine shaft.

The interior of SCP-562 has several different rooms, with three potential routes remaining unexplored; these are accessible when visiting SCP-562 via the teleporter located at Site-88a.

Each route leads to a room filled with glowing crystals similar to those found in the Emerald City, but of vastly different characteristics and value.

SCP-562 belongs to a Foundation network of sites scattered across North America, none of which have been discovered yet to contain anomalous items (with the exception of SCP-456). The sites were created sometime around 1906 by Augustus █████, who was an early employee of the O█████ Corporation and later becomes a Foundation Special Containment Director after his retirement to form the Concrete Jungle Foundation at his farmhouse in ████████, MI.

All other locations currently known to belong to this network are Class C Amnestics Projects.

Addendum: The following is an excerpt from the autobiography of Augustus █████, written in a small note attached to a single crystal.

Augustus █████,

You may wonder why I've decided to write this, and why I have chosen to include this particular crystal with my autobiography. As you can see, I've included quite a few crystals here, and it is because they are the most valuable. On one of my many trips to the mines, I came across a particularly interesting specimen. It was unlike any of the others in that it was not yellow or red, but rather white and blue. The only other place that I know of with such crystals is the Emerald City, located in ████████, ██. However, these crystals are worth much more than the ones found there, and I'm sure you'll find this information quite interesting.
