Picture of SCP-564.
Item #: SCP-564
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation maintains a database of all individuals who have participated in the contest. Public records are to be expunged after each contest. Contestants who willingly declare themselves dangerous and violent, or do not meet the age requirement of 21 years, are to be detained and administered amnestic therapy.
Attempts at halting SCP-564 are to be undertaken only in the event that any of these conditions occur.
Description: SCP-564 is an annual contest held in the village of ███ ██████, India. The contest begins on the first Friday of each month. Contenders for the contest are required to perform two physical tasks, which are judged according to the provided rating system. The highest scoring individual receives a prize: a goldfish (designated SCP-564-1) for contestants aged 20 years or older, and a teddy bear (SCP-564-2) for those aged less than 20 years.
It is theorized that SCP-564 acts as a method of avoiding matchmaking, with names on the back of participants' entry forms serving no purpose other than identification purposes. Contestants who outscore others may be encouraged to continue taking part; but apprehension by potential noncontestants prevents this possibility.
It is currently unknown how individuals are selected to participate in SCP-564. Foundation personnel have observed that select individuals may receive telephone calls from citizens of ███ ██████ whom they would not normally associate with. It also appears that individuals involved in SCP-564 knowingly arrange their participation so there will be at least one other individual present during their session.
Addendum 564-1: Contests are held in the local school. Contestants who do not wish to participate are allowed to leave during the contest by any means of transportation, provided that they do not return to the school until after the contest's conclusion.