
Picture of SCP-567.

Item #: SCP-567

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-567 is to be stored in a standard containment unit at its site of origin, and is to be fed once per week. A security camera set is to be maintained on the premises in an area where no humans are allowed, and all persons who enter SCP-567's containment unit are to be monitored by security personnel.

Description: SCP-567 is a collection of unmanned robotic vehicles, designed to resemble the International Space Station (ISS) and its onboard modules. The ISS is approximately 27 meters long and weighs approximately 44 tons, while all of the models contained by SCP-567 are approximately 4 meters in length, 2.5 meters in width, and weigh 110 pounds. All models have a reddish-orange exterior paint finish and a white interior, as well as an inner transparent plastic casing; no markings or identifying features are present on these objects.

The ISS has 33 operational docking ports ranging from 20 mm to 7 m overall in size and ranging from 30 m to 3 km in distance. It has 33 main solar panels with an average diameter of 5 m covering a surface area of 25 m². No docking port has been extruded from either object.

A wide variety of tools and components for constructing the International Space Station are contained within SCP-567, including:

SCP-567 was discovered on ██/██/1970 at [REDACTED], [REDACTED], when multiple reports were made regarding several metallic objects that did not appear to have any sources of power or operation. After being examined by Foundation personnel, it was determined that they contained a variety of tools and spare parts along with various items that resembled pieces of the International Space Station payload that had failed to launch during the space shuttles' first few flights. There was also one instance of a motion sensor which responded to auditory commands, although it could not be located afterwards.

Discovery Log:

Date: ██/██/1970 - 11:30 hours

Location: [REDACTED], [REDACTED], Arizona

Time: 11:30 PM

Addendum: SCP-567 was contained in a standard containment unit at Site-██. The following is a log of observations made by personnel keeping watch over SCP-567 at this time.

10:30 PM: An unidentified number of "robots" (to be referred to as SCP-567-1) begin to emerge from SCP-567 and proceed to exit the building in groups of 1 to 5. These appear to be small, simple robots with no sensory equipment other than lights. They all appear to be configured for manual remote control, and are all equipped with a power supply and a docking port (which, as of ██/██/1970, does not connect to any module of the International Space Station).

11:30 PM: Approximately 36 "robots" (SCP-567-1) emerge from SCP-567 and proceed to move along the perimeter of property before stopping at the door.

11:40 PM: All "robots" (SCP-567-1) exit the building and begin moving towards the west end of the property with a single person (SCP-567-2). They are observed moving slowly, and appear to be ignoring any obstacles in their path.

12:00 AM: SCP-567-2 is seen turning around and looking towards the west end of the property. SCP-567-1 stop moving and remain in a line as SCP-567-2 moves off into the distance.

12:15 AM: Approximately 19 more "robots" (SCP-567-1) emerge from SCP-567 and proceed to follow SCP-567-2. The number has been reduced from 36 to 19 by this point, although they have not stopped moving.

12:35 AM: Forty "robots" (SCP-567-1) emerge from SCP-567, forming four lines along the west fence line. These "robots" (SCP-567-1) then proceed to construct an electrical grid around the perimeter of the property, using metallic rods and various tools collected from SCP-567. Each line consists of roughly 5 meters in length and 2 meters in width. A single pillar is used as a base for each line, which are anchored by welding torches and powered by portable fuel cells provided by SCP-567. The lines are capped at either end by additional metal rods that form a dome covering approximately 15\xa0m² of land area. The rods are joined together with welded plastic piping, similar to those used on the International Space Station\'s exterior panels. The pipes run from the base of each rod through the metallic grid and back into an opening in SCP-567\'s interior.

12:45 AM: Approximately 42 more "robots" (SCP-567-1) emerge from SCP-567 and proceed to construct several large drones out of metallic rods and pipes that are similar to those used on the International Space Station\'s exterior panels. The drones resemble a number of different modules including solar arrays, communications antennae, docking ports, and various mechanical arms which appear to hold tools like welding torches. At least one drone appears larger than all the others; it is constructed out of pipes which resemble thruster nozzles and solar arrays which appear to be larger than those used on other models. There is no apparent means of attaching these items to the rest of the structure or its "wings". All drones are constructed in a similar manner.