Picture of SCP-575.
Item #: SCP-575
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All active instances of SCP-575 must be contained within a vacuum chamber. In the event of an active instance, the chamber's seal must be breached in order for containment procedures to be enacted. The chamber must be kept on at all times, with each active instance contained individually, and monitored remotely by Foundation personnel. Personnel are to avoid touching SCP-575 or any of its components in any shape or form. A special agent is currently assigned to the investigation of SCP-575, to ensure proper containment procedures are put into effect when necessary.
Any reports of humanoid entities believed to be related to SCP-575 are to be investigated immediately. Personnel are not to attempt or imply communication with any such entity unless protocols have been put in place for such scenarios.
Description: SCP-575 is a device of unknown origin, comprising of two parts, SCP-575-A and SCP-575-B. SCP-575-A is a large vacuum chamber with a door firmly in place. SCP-575-B refers to the object that sits at the top of SCP-575-A. The object, when not active as an instance of SCP-575, tends to float around within the chamber, occasionally levitating off the surface and hovering in midair.
The physical structure of this item is unknown, but it has been observed to be made up of various materials, including silicon and several types of glass. It appears to have been crafted using a similar style as many Victorian dolls of the time period. Though no reason for this particular choice in fabrication methods has been found, scans of the item do not reveal any anomalous properties. While the object has been observed to contain no biological structures itself, it appears to bleed intermittently from small holes and tears around its joints and seams. These tears do not seem to cause any damage to tissue or organs whatsoever; however, it seems as though they are highly bothersome for some reason.
When an instance of SCP-575 is active, it will begin to animate when nothing is being held inside of it by hand. From this point on, all instances will attempt to be free from their containment chamber(s). The most effective method for doing this appears to be by 'jumping' from their respective chamber(s) onto nearby objects or people; however, if these objects are too far away from the instance's chamber(s), they will fail in their attempts instead. When this fails, they will move quietly towards their nearest human target until they make contact with them; at this point, they will begin attempting to attach themselves tightly and violently onto their victim's head.
Extensive research has uncovered that all victims are indeed humans rather than other sentient lifeforms with similar morphology, size or weight. Victims have been found under many different circumstances, though most common are seeing those who regularly come into contact with said instances while they are still inactive; however having personal interaction with anyone else while actively active appears to be completely ineffective in freeing them from containment. When a victim whose head is already occupied by an active instance has extended their hand(s) towards another person (or even themselves), either as a sign of friendship or a means to free themselves from their current form (See Incident Log 575I below for more details); all instances will explode violently upon contact with human flesh/bone/muscle/tissue/vital organs/etc. In this event all instances will immediately die from massive blood loss due to their own exploding forms; however should someone carry one instance through a crowd before its explosion there is a chance that those nearby will pick up some pieces that would normally be destroyed by its explosion (See Incident Log 575J below for more details).
Incident Log 575:
SCP-575 was discovered after an anonymous call was made by one ██████ ██████ after he was attacked by an instance while he was attempting to clean his home office.. This is believed to have been caused by the aforementioned 'befriending' incident described previously in this log entry that occurred within the same home office at roughly 4:15 A.M.. ██████ reported seeing "a small doll," sitting next to his computer desk when he entered his office prior to calling emergency services; upon which he heard a loud bang and strange squelching noises coming from his office (see accompanying video). When paramedics arrived on scene shortly after reporting hearing strange noises coming from Mr. ██████ office as well; he informed them about witnessing another man struggling against what appeared to be two puppets attached on either side of his neck; both men were then advised notifying Foundation personnel immediately after being released from hospital care following extensive surgery due to severe blood loss and loss of vital organs [see attached documents].
Following said surgery as well as interviews involving both Mr. ██████ and perpetrators involved in these events; SCP-575 came into Foundation possession along with currently ongoing studies on its purpose and potential usage.
Addendum: SCP-575 is currently stored in secure storage until further notice.
Request denied until further notice.