
Picture of SCP-577.

Item #: SCP-577

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-577 is located in a large containment chamber that houses SCP-577's core as well as a small monitoring station. One security guard is to be stationed outside of SCP-577's chamber at all times. The doors to SCP-577's containment chamber should remain sealed and guarded at all times. In the event SCP-577 begins to move, Foundation personnel are to approach it remotely via secured computer terminal and make the appropriate changes. All information pertaining to SCP-577 must be considered Class III personnel only.

Description: SCP-577 is a vending machine that was manufactured in 1966. SCP-577 is composed of an aluminum chassis, a plastic casing, and an assortment of levers and buttons. SCP-577 has not been altered from its original manufacturing. There are several anomalous properties to SCP-577, but the most notable trait is that it will self-repairs within 3 hours after sustaining damage or after being damaged for an extended period of time.

SCP-577 does not contain any type of money and instead does not react to any form of currency; instead, it will accept everything but cotton candy. The item will then dispense a small piece of cotton candy with each use. This effect can be negated by placing a piece of cotton candy in the dispensing slot before activation.

SCP-577's primary anomalous property is the time it takes to repair itself after sustaining damage. Upon first inspection, SCP-577's core demonstrated only minor wear and tear and was able to repair itself within 4 hours after sustaining severe damage. After these initial tests, additional systems were added to SCP-577's chassis, including a remote control unit, computer chips, and batteries. SCP-577 continues to repair itself at an accelerated rate. On 9/30/2011, it was able to self-repair within 10 seconds upon sustaining fatal injuries.

After recovering from this incident, further tests were conducted on SCP-577's secondary and tertiary systems as well as its primary system. On 10/10/2011, testing 577 - A was carried out on SCP-577's tertiary systems. The final test was conducted on 11/19/2011; Testing 577 - C involved computer chips being placed in the primary system and a 'Get Cotton Candy' command being given through the remote control unit.

Addendum 577-1: 11/19/2011

After a long period of dormancy, SCP-577 began to activate. Upon activation, SCP-577 began to dispense cotton candy and play a recording of an old children\'s song, "The Little Old Lady from Pasadena". The song was recorded by the late Walter Brennan in 1944.

The following is a transcript of the message contained on the recording.

I am a little old lady… I live in Pasadena, California. I am the oldest person alive that you have ever seen. I have been telling people I\'m 88 for years.

I am still very active. I still go out and shop every day and visit my friends at the library and play bingo. I still have a great life.

My favorite meal is cotton candy. It tastes so good. It\'s got everything that makes food tasty – sweet, soft, chewy and crunchy all at the same time. When I eat a piece of cotton candy, it feels like I am getting a hug from an old friend.

If you ever want to see me, all you have to do is come to the old market in Pasadena and look for me on the second floor. Just come down to the second floor, where there is only one way to go. You will see me near my favorite place in the whole world…my favorite vending machine.

When testing proved negative, all personnel were ordered to approach SCP-577 remotely through secure computer terminals placed inside its containment chamber. After the first test, SCP-577 began to respond to commands given through its remote control unit after 10 minutes. In response to these commands, SCP-577 will make several movements including: