
Picture of SCP-579.

Item #: SCP-579

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: An enclosed honeycomb located in a secluded location has been constructed to house SCP-579.

SCP-579-1 is to be contained in a plastic box measuring 10 × 20 × 40 centimeters and filled with any available material, such as wood shavings or shredded paper. The specimen must have at least six square centimeter of space between its wings, legs, and body.

All insects removed from SCP-579 are to be placed in the enclosed honeycomb which has been fitted with air vents and a fan. Insects may only enter through the ventilation ducts.

Due to the potential for damage to the specimens and their surrounding environment, all personnel who come into contact with SCP-579 must undergo a thorough medical exam before being permitted access to the object.

Description: SCP-579 is a glass jar containing several artificial bees (Buprestidae). SCP-579 was recovered from the storage area of the [REDACTED] Museum in █████████, ██████ on 14/01/19██.

SCP-579's anomalous properties manifest when any insect within its range attempts to fly out of the specimen and becomes trapped. The longer it remains trapped within SCP-579, the stronger and more complex the traps it will construct. Thus, it is imperative that all specimens remain contained at all times.

SCP-579 appears to have been used as a containment device for various insects which were later removed, including:

Addendum: On 01/08/19██, a Poecilotheria sp. was found within SCP-579. During initial containment, the bees refused to enter the enclosed honeycomb and attempted to escape through the ventilation ducts. For this reason, the specimen was removed from the main chamber of SCP-579 and placed in a separate enclosure.

The bees were observed to be attempting to construct a new trap when the specimen was withdrawn from containment. Approximately 12 minutes later, the bees began constructing an elaborate trap throughout the entire enclosure. The trap was constructed of wood shavings, which were coated with a layer of wax and secured with wooden pegs which had been coated with more wax. When opened, it was discovered that the shavings had been arranged into two separate compartments, each approximately 2 kilometers in diameter.

Following this incident, all personnel who had any contact with SCP-579 were administered amnestics prior to further investigation of the specimen.