Picture of SCP-583.
Item #: SCP-583
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-583 is kept in a standard high security SCUBA tank with a small chamber containing objects of cultural significance to the inhabitants of the island of Kofunoshima, Ogura District, Okinawa Prefecture. The tank is to be monitored at all times for leaks or spillage. Should leakage occur, an emergency retrieval team is to establish a containment zone and contain the overflow of SCP-583. Tanks used for testing are to be maintained at the same level of containment as SCP-583.
A double layer of polyethylene sheeting is to be used during containment, typically when the tank is above water level for cleaning purposes.
Description: SCP-583 is a pale yellow waterborne liquid of unknown composition originating from the island of Kofunoshima, Ogura District, Okinawa Prefecture.
SCP-583 may be digested in the human stomach and absorbed into the body through skin or lungs. It has been shown to take about three hours for complete absorption, with symptoms appearing approximately four hours after absorption.
Under normal conditions, SCP-583 causes no long term harm to humans. However, SCP-583 will begin to cause symptoms of severe nausea and vomiting if any amount is ingested at one time. All symptoms appear within six minutes of ingestion, and continue until the level reaches 7mL. This takes about two hours and thirty minutes in total. The symptoms gradually increase in severity until they are equivalent to those of an acute gastric ulcer.
If left undigested in the stomach for more than thirty minutes without emptying it, SCP-583 will begin to undergo a process known as osmosis. Once a concentration of 1mL has been reached by osmosis, the biological processes involved in digestion automatically cease altogether, causing death within about fifteen minutes.
SCP-583 was once contained by the Foundation due to its effects on sea life when one of its containment tanks was accidentally breached during maintenance work by personnel with no knowledge of its anomalous properties; subsequent testing has shown that this process is not specific to SCP-583 alone but occurs equally on all waterborne substances introduced into the body simultaneously.
Addendum: On 05/07/2015, the Foundation was alerted to an incident involving SCP-583 on a nearby beach. A pair of fishermen had been contracted by the local government to clean up as much of the beach as possible after it had been closed down due to damage caused by the large waves produced by a typhoon. The two men had been working on the beach when they noticed a strange orange glow in the area. Upon investigating further, they discovered a large number of bodies and skulls lined along the shore. As they tried to reach these bodies, they noticed that they were slowly moving with their feet planted firmly in the sand. They reported this to the police who immediately began an investigation into the matter.
The following is a transcript of an interview with the two fishermen conducted by Agent Thompson. Agent Thompson\'s transcription was later transcribed verbatim by Agent Hensley.
Agent Thompson: Hello? Can you hear me? Are you guys there?
SCP-583-1: Honekamu!
[Agent Thompson turns to Agent Hensley and hands him her microphone.]
Agent Hensley: Hey, go ahead. I got this one.
SCP-583-1: You were told not to come here! You must leave immediately!
Agent Thompson: We\'re here to help. What\'s going on?
SCP-583-1: We have no time for this! Please leave now!
[Agent Thompson and Agent Hensley start walking towards SCP-583-1 and Agent Thompson picks up her walkie-talkie.]
Agent Thompson: Guys, we\'re just interested in what\'s going on down there, alright? Anybody else down there?
SCP-583-1: That\'s enough! Stay away from here! The ocean is dangerous!
[Agent Thompson and Agent Hensley continue walking towards SCP-583-1.]
SCP-583-1: Run! Run for your lives!
[Agent Thompson and Agent Hensley reach SCP-583-1.]
SCP-583-1: Leave before it\'s too late!
[Agent Thompson and Agent Hensley turn around and run back towards the beach where they had first discovered SCP-583.]
Agent Thompson: What did you say? What was that thing?
SCP-583-1: Run! It will be upon you soon!
[The sound of gunfire is heard in the background.]
[No further dialogue is heard from SCP-583-1 or any other entity recorded in this area during this interview. Agents Thompson and Hensley radioed for backup and were met by two fishermen carrying weapons.]
Agent Thompson: What\'s going on? Did you see that thing? Was it something out here? Did it attack you guys? Did it try to kill people? Did it even make that noise? Was it talking? Did it talk? Did it do anything at all?
Fisherman 1: No, no… It didn\'t do anything at all. There was nothing here but us. We were cleaning up some of the trash from last night\'s storm. When we found that thing, we got scared because we thought we were gonna die so we ran for our lives. It was scary, I tell ya. Scary… And then… It said those things… It said… It said… "We have no time for this!" It sounded so scared… It said those things like it was begging us not to come close to it. They scared us so much that we ran straight back home and told our boss what happened right away… Then he called in his men to come and check it out… That\'s when we saw all of them… All of those bodies… Just lying there dead on the beach… We didn\'t know what they could\'ve done with them, but they looked pretty bad… So we called you guys… I mean, what else could we do? … We don\'t know why those people died… Or how those things got there in the first place… But when we heard about what\'d happened on TV today, we got very worried about our families back home… So we wanted to get out of here as fast as possible because we knew if we stayed, that thing would come back for sure. We thought that maybe if you\'d come and look around, you\'d call us in case anything else happens again tonight or tomorrow morning or whenever… Hell when it escaped yesterday without us knowing about it or seeing it, we thought it was gonna come back right away with more people and kill them too because we weren\'t fast enough getting out of there yesterday morning like we said we would be, but it didn\'t show up again until today so maybe old Mr. Tanaka was right about them being safe now if they don\'t do anything bad anymore, but then again we\'re still not sure if we\'re okay now or not so if you can think of anything else we should do next time that thing comes back, please let us know as soon as possible because I\'m pretty sure my boss won\'t be happy with me if I don\'t give him a good report about everything here today unless he does something about that thing he knows about or at least finds out about because I\'m not sure what else to do…. [End Log]