Picture of SCP-587.
Item #: SCP-587
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The lake surrounding SCP-587 is to be monitored at all times. Any civilian or Foundation personnel attempting to enter SCP-587 should be immediately engaged by security. SCP-587 is currently uncontained and may only be approached in the largest life jackets available, operated by an autonomous underwater vehicle capable of remaining submerged indefinitely. No human interaction is to be attempted within 2 kilometers of SCP-587, except as per
Description: SCP-587 is a large lake situated in the Oita prefecture of Japan, approximately 1000 kilometers southeast of Tokyo. Access to SCP-587 is currently impossible due to the object itself and its effects. The water in SCP-587 possesses a low viscosity due to the lack of an upper layer. Extended exploration of SCP-587 while the water remains at this state has resulted in significant damage to the subject's diving suit, such as punctures caused by submerged objects.
Human testing indicates that SCP-587 is capable of attracting vagrants and other unapproved personnel who enter the water to search for treasure and/or attract attention to themselves. All persons who enter SCP-587 are rapidly and continuously drained of blood, with no effect on blood loss continuing during emergence from SCP-587. Approximately 98% of the victims fail to exit SCP-587 alive, with 97% failing to reemerge from within its waters after death. In all cases, the victim will be found floating upside down, their torso facing upwards.
Testing with D-Class personnel has determined that any wound sustained within 2 kilometers of SCP-587 will continue bleeding even after exit from SCP-587 if there is a flow of fresh blood into SCP-587. Tissue near wounds (e.g., fingers or toes) will often be found torn off by the current inside SCP-587 when exiting it; victims' skeletons show signs of severe trauma usually inflicted while they were inside SCP-587.
Addendum 587-a: Interviews
Interviewer: Dr. ██████
Interviewee: D-893
D-893: Uh, what is this place?
Dr. ██████: SCP-587, actually. It's a lake, in Japan.
D-893: Japan… interesting. I've been reading about the place in some of the old books. It's like something out of some weird horror movie. And to think I almost died trying to get in there…
Dr. ██████: The blood loss won't stop for you if you try again, you know.
D-893: Sure, I know. And I will go back in there… I just have to find out more about it first.
Dr. ██████: Why don't you just write an article about it and submit it to some journal? That'd be much easier than having to go back in there right now.
D-893: Nah, that'll take too long… and there's no one else around who can get me interviews with people who've been in there before. I figure the best way to find out about it is to go in there myself and see what happens.
Note from Dr. ██████: D-893 was found floating upside down on the lakebed within 2 kilometers of SCP-587, his body torn apart by current while attempting to leave SCP-587.